View Source Dmp.Cursor (diff_match_patch v0.2.0)

A container for Elixir lists, that can be used to iterate forward and backward, with a focused "current" item in the list, and "prev" and "next" lists of items that come before and after the current item.

In Elm this has been described as a "Zipper".

Link to this section Summary


Use position: 0 for example, to set the initial position of the Cursor to the first item.

A value used to set the Cursor position.



Returns true if the Cursor is positioned after the last item.

Returns true if the Cursor is positioned before the first item.

Returns the total number of items in the Cursor.

Remove items at the Cursor's current position, leaving the previous items alone.

Remove items before the Cursor's current position, leaving the current and next items alone.

Returns true if there are no items in the Cursor.

Moves the position of the Cursor back through the "prev" list to the given item.

Moves the position of the Cursor back through the "prev" list until the given item is found. Returns nil and if the item cannot be found.

Moves the position of the Cursor forward through the "next" list until the given item is found. Returns nil and if the item cannot be found.

Create a Cursor from a list of items.

Create a Cursor from two lists.

Return a 3-tuple of the previous, current, and next items relative to the Cursor's current position.

Returns false if the Cursor is positioned at or after the last item.

Returns false if the Cursor is positioned at or before the first item.

Insert items at the Cursor's current position, leaving the previous items alone.

Insert items at the Cursor's head position, leaving the current position pointer alone.

Insert items before the Cursor's current position, leaving the current and next items alone.

Moves the position of the Cursor back a number of steps.

Moves the position of the Cursor to the first item. An alias of Cursor.move_to(c, 0).

Moves the position of the Cursor forward a number of steps.

Changes the current position of the Cursor.

Create a Cursor containing no items.

Returns the current position of the Cursor.

Resets the position of the Cursor to before the first item. An alias for Cursor.move_to(c, -1).

Extract the list from a Cursor.

Link to this section Types

@type init_option() :: {:position, position_value()}
@type init_options() :: [init_option()]

Use position: 0 for example, to set the initial position of the Cursor to the first item.

@type position_value() :: -1 | non_neg_integer() | :last | :tail

A value used to set the Cursor position.

  • -1 means before the first item in the container.
  • 0 means at the first item.
  • :last means at the last item.
  • :tail means after the last item.
@type t() :: %Dmp.Cursor{current: term(), next: list(), prev: list()}

Link to this section Functions

@spec after_last?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the Cursor is positioned after the last item.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.after_last?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(2) |> Cursor.after_last?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(3) |> Cursor.after_last?()
@spec before_first?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if the Cursor is positioned before the first item.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3]) |> Cursor.before_first?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3]) |> Cursor.move_forward() |> Cursor.before_first?()
@spec count(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

Returns the total number of items in the Cursor.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3]) |> Cursor.count()
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delete(cursor, count \\ 1)

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@spec delete(t(), integer()) :: t()

Remove items at the Cursor's current position, leaving the previous items alone.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.delete(1)
%Cursor{current: 4, next: [5], prev: [2, 1]}
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delete_before(cursor, count \\ 1)

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@spec delete_before(t(), integer()) :: t()

Remove items before the Cursor's current position, leaving the current and next items alone.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.delete_before(1)
%Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [1]}
@spec empty?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns true if there are no items in the Cursor.



iex> Cursor.from_list([]) |> Cursor.empty?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3]) |> Cursor.empty?()
@spec find_back!(t(), term()) :: t()

Moves the position of the Cursor back through the "prev" list to the given item.

Raises if the item cannot be found.

@spec find_back(t(), term()) :: nil | t()

Moves the position of the Cursor back through the "prev" list until the given item is found. Returns nil and if the item cannot be found.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.find_back(1)
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.find_back(5)

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.find_back(3)
@spec find_forward(t(), term()) :: nil | t()

Moves the position of the Cursor forward through the "next" list until the given item is found. Returns nil and if the item cannot be found.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.find_forward(5)
%Cursor{current: 5, next: [], prev: [4, 3, 2, 1]}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.find_forward(1)

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.find_forward(3)
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from_list(items, opts \\ [])

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@spec from_list(list(), init_options()) :: t()

Create a Cursor from a list of items.

  • opts - The keyword :position can specify a position value, such as -1, 0, 1, :last, or tail in order to set the position of the created Cursor.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3])
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [1, 2, 3], prev: []}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3]) |> Cursor.move_forward()
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [2, 3], prev: []}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3], position: 1)
%Cursor{current: 2, next: [3], prev: [1]}
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from_split(prev, next, opts \\ [])

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@spec from_split(list(), list(), init_options()) :: t()

Create a Cursor from two lists.

  • opts - the keyword :position can specify a position value, such as -1, 0, 1, :last, or tail in order to set the position of the created Cursor.



iex> Cursor.from_split([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
%Cursor{current: 4, next: [5, 6], prev: [3, 2, 1]}
@spec get(t()) :: {term(), term(), term()}

Return a 3-tuple of the previous, current, and next items relative to the Cursor's current position.

Any elements of the tuple may be nil.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.get()
{2, 3, 4}

iex> Cursor.from_list([]) |> Cursor.get()
{nil, nil, nil}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.get()
{nil, nil, 1}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward() |> Cursor.get()
{nil, 1, 2}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(2) |> Cursor.get()
{1, 2, nil}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(3) |> Cursor.get()
{2, nil, nil}
@spec has_next?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns false if the Cursor is positioned at or after the last item.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.has_next?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(2) |> Cursor.has_next?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(3) |> Cursor.has_next?()
@spec has_previous?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns false if the Cursor is positioned at or before the first item.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.has_previous?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward() |> Cursor.has_previous?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(2) |> Cursor.has_previous?()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(3) |> Cursor.has_previous?()
@spec insert(t(), list()) :: t()

Insert items at the Cursor's current position, leaving the previous items alone.

After the insertion, the Cursor points to the first inserted item.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.insert([10, 11])
%Cursor{current: 10, next: [11, 3, 4, 5], prev: [2, 1]}
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insert_at_head(c, items)

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@spec insert_at_head(t(), list()) :: t()

Insert items at the Cursor's head position, leaving the current position pointer alone.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.insert_at_head([10, 11])
%Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1, 11, 10]}
@spec insert_before(t(), list()) :: t()

Insert items before the Cursor's current position, leaving the current and next items alone.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.insert_before([10, 11])
%Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [11, 10, 2, 1]}
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move_back(cursor, count \\ 1)

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@spec move_back(t(), integer()) :: t()

Moves the position of the Cursor back a number of steps.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_back(1)
%Cursor{current: 2, next: [3, 4, 5], prev: [1]}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_back(2)
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_back(3)
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}
@spec move_first(t()) :: t()

Moves the position of the Cursor to the first item. An alias of Cursor.move_to(c, 0).



iex> |> Cursor.move_first()
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [], prev: []}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1]) |> Cursor.move_first()
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [], prev: []}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_first()
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [2], prev: []}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_first()
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}
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move_forward(cursor, count \\ 1)

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@spec move_forward(t(), integer()) :: t()

Moves the position of the Cursor forward a number of steps.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_forward()
%Cursor{current: 4, next: [5], prev: [3, 2, 1]}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_forward(2)
%Cursor{current: 5, next: [], prev: [4, 3, 2, 1]}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) |> Cursor.move_forward(3)
%Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) |> Cursor.move_forward(5)
%Cursor{current: 5, next: [], prev: [4, 3, 2, 1]}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) |> Cursor.move_forward(6)
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [], prev: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]}

iex> %Cursor{current: {:delete, "abc"}, next: [{:equal, "xxx"}, {:insert, "def"}], prev: []} |> Cursor.move_forward(1)
%Cursor{current: {:equal, "xxx"}, next: [{:insert, "def"}], prev: [{:delete, "abc"}]}

iex> %Cursor{current: {:delete, "abc"}, next: [{:equal, "xxx"}, {:insert, "def"}], prev: []} |> Cursor.move_forward(2)
%Cursor{current: {:insert, "def"}, next: [], prev: [{:equal, "xxx"}, {:delete, "abc"}]}

iex> %Cursor{current: {:delete, "abc"}, next: [{:equal, "xxx"}, {:insert, "def"}], prev: []} |> Cursor.move_forward(3)
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [], prev: [{:insert, "def"}, {:equal, "xxx"}, {:delete, "abc"}]}
@spec move_to(t(), position_value()) :: t()

Changes the current position of the Cursor.

  • pos - The desired position.

  • -1 means the Cursor is positioned before the first item.

  • 0 means the Cursor is positioned at the first item (if it is not empty).

  • :last means the Cursor is positioned at the last item (if it is not empty).

  • :tail means the Cursor is positioned after the last item.



iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_to(-1)
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_to(0)
%Cursor{current: 1, next: [2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_to(1)
%Cursor{current: 2, next: [3, 4, 5], prev: [1]}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_to(:last)
%Cursor{current: 5, next: [], prev: [4, 3, 2, 1]}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.move_to(:tail)
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [], prev: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]}
@spec new() :: t()

Create a Cursor containing no items.



%Cursor{current: nil, next: [], prev: []}
@spec position(t()) :: integer()

Returns the current position of the Cursor.

A return value of -1 means the Cursor is positioned before the first item. A return value of Cursor.count(c) means the Cursor is positioned after the last item.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.position()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward() |> Cursor.position()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(2) |> Cursor.position()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(3) |> Cursor.position()

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward(4) |> Cursor.position()

Resets the position of the Cursor to before the first item. An alias for Cursor.move_to(c, -1).



iex> |> Cursor.reset()
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [], prev: []}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1]) |> Cursor.move_forward() |> Cursor.reset()
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [1], prev: []}

iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2]) |> Cursor.move_forward() |> Cursor.reset()
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [1, 2], prev: []}

iex> %Cursor{current: 3, next: [4, 5], prev: [2, 1]} |> Cursor.reset()
%Cursor{current: nil, next: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], prev: []}
@spec to_list(t()) :: list()

Extract the list from a Cursor.



iex> Cursor.from_list([1, 2, 3]) |> Cursor.to_list()
[1, 2, 3]