View Source DiscoLog.Integrations.Plug (disco_log v0.7.0)

Integration with Plug applications.

How to use it

Plug applications

The way to use this integration is by adding it to either your Plug.Builder or Plug.Router:

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router
  use DiscoLog.Integrations.Plug


Phoenix applications

There is a particular use case which can be useful when running a Phoenix web application.

If you want to record exceptions that may occur in your application's endpoint before reaching your router (for example, in any plug like the ones decoding cookies of body contents) you may want to add this integration too:

defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
  use Phoenix.Endpoint
  use DiscoLog.Integrations.Plug


Default context

By default we store some context for you on errors generated during a Plug request:

  • the value.

  • request.ip: the IP address that initiated the request. It includes parsing proxy headers

  • request.method: the HTTP method of the request.

  • request.path: the path of the request.

  • request.query: the query string of the request.

  • request.params: parsed params of the request (only available if they have been fetched and parsed as part of the Plug pipeline).

  • request.headers: headers received on the request. All headers are included by default except for the Cookie ones, as they may include large and sensitive content like sessions.