alchemy v0.6.0 Alchemy.Cache

This module provides a handful of useful functions to interact with the cache.

By default, Alchemy caches a great deal of information given to it, notably about guilds. In general, using the cache should be prioritised over using the api functions in Alchemy.Client. However, a lot of struct modules have “smart” functions that will correctly balance the cache and the api, as well as use macros to get information from the context of commands.



Retrieves a specific channel in a guild

Retrieves a custom emoji by id in a guild

Fetches a guild from the cache by a given id

Gets the corresponding guild_id for a channel

Requests the loading of offline guild members for a guild

Gets a member from a cache, by guild and member id

Gets the presence of a user in a certain guild

Fetches a private_channel in the cache by id of the channel

Gets a specific role in a guild

Searches across all guild for information

Gets the user struct for this client from the cache

Retrieves a user’s voice state by id in a guild



channel(guild_id, channel_id)


channel(snowflake, snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Channel.t} |
  {:error, String.t}

Retrieves a specific channel in a guild.

emoji(guild_id, emoji_id)


emoji(snowflake, snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Guild.emoji} |
  {:error, String.t}

Retrieves a custom emoji by id in a guild.



guild(snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Guild.t} |
  {:error, String.t}

Fetches a guild from the cache by a given id.

By default, this method needs the guild_id, but keywords can be used to specify a different id, and use the appropiate paths to get the guild using that.

In general there are “smarter” methods, that will deal with getting the id for you; nonetheless, the need for this function sometimes exists.


  • channel Using this keyword will fetch the information for the guild a channel belongs to.


guild_id(snowflake) ::
  {:ok, snowflake} |
  {:error, String.t}

Gets the corresponding guild_id for a channel.

In case the channel guild can’t be found, :none will be returned.

This is useful when the guild_id is needed for some kind of task, but there’s no need for getting the whole struct. Because of how the registry is set up, getting the entire guild requires a whole extra step, that passes through this one anyways.

load_guild_members(guild_id, username \\ "", limit \\ 0)

Requests the loading of offline guild members for a guild.

Guilds should automatically get 250 offline members after the :ready event, however, you can use this method to request a fuller list if needed.

The username is used to only select members whose username starts with a certain string; "" won’t do any filtering. The limit specifies the amount of members to get; 0 for unlimited.

There’s a ratelimit of ~100 requests per shard per minute on this function, so be wary of the fact that this might block a process.

member(guild_id, member_id)


member(snowflake, snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Guild.member} |
  {:error, String.t}

Gets a member from a cache, by guild and member id.

presence(guild_id, user_id)


presence(snowflake, snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Guild.Presence.t} |
  {:error, String.t}

Gets the presence of a user in a certain guild.

This contains info such as their status, and roles.



private_channel(snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Channel.dm_channel} |
  {:error, String.t}

Fetches a private_channel in the cache by id of the channel.

Takes a DMChannel id. Alternatively, user: user_id can be passed to find the private channel related to a user.

role(guild_id, role_id)


role(snowflake, snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Guild.role} |
  {:error, String.t}

Gets a specific role in a guild.

search(section, filter)


search(atom, (any -> Boolean)) :: [struct]

Searches across all guild for information.

The section is the type of object to search for. The possibilities are: :guilds, :members, :roles, :presences, :voice_states, :emojis, :channels

The filter is a function returning a boolean, that allows you to filter out elements from this list.

The return type will be a struct of the same type of the section searched for.

Examples, fn x -> String.length(x.nick) < 10 end)

This will return a list of all members whose nickname is less than 10 characters long., &match?(%{name: "Cool Kids"}, &1))

This is a good example of using the match?/2 function to filter against a pattern., &match?(%{name: "Test"}, &1))

Will match any guilds named “Test” in the cache.



user :: Alchemy.User.t

Gets the user struct for this client from the cache.


Cogs.def hello do
  Cogs.say "hello, my name is #{Cache.user().name}"
voice_state(guild_id, user_id)


voice_state(snowflake, snowflake) ::
  {:ok, Alchemy.Voice.state} |
  {:error, String.t}

Retrieves a user’s voice state by id in a guild.