distillery v2.0.8 Mix.Releases.Appup View Source

This module is responsible for generating appups between two releases.

Link to this section Summary


Given an application name, and two versions, look for a custom appup which applies

Generate a .appup for the given application, start version, and upgrade version

Link to this section Types

Link to this type appup_ver() View Source
appup_ver() :: charlist() | binary()
Link to this type change() View Source
change() :: :soft | {:advanced, [term()]}
Link to this type dep_mods() View Source
dep_mods() :: [module()]
Link to this type downgrade_instructions() View Source
downgrade_instructions() :: [{appup_ver(), instruction()}]
Link to this type instruction() View Source
instruction() ::
  {:add_module, module()}
  | {:delete_module, module()}
  | {:update, module(), :supervisor | change()}
  | {:update, module(), change(), dep_mods()}
  | {:load_module, module()}
  | {:load_module, module(), dep_mods()}
  | {:apply, {module(), atom(), [term()]}}
  | {:add_application, atom()}
  | {:remove_application, atom()}
  | {:restart_application, atom()}
  | :restart_new_emulator
  | :restart_emulator
Link to this type path_str() View Source
path_str() :: String.t()
Link to this type upgrade_instructions() View Source
upgrade_instructions() :: [{appup_ver(), instruction()}]
Link to this type version_str() View Source
version_str() :: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

Given an application name, and two versions, look for a custom appup which applies.

Link to this function make(application, v1, v2, v1_path, v2_path, transforms \\ []) View Source
make(app(), version_str(), version_str(), path_str(), path_str(), [module()]) ::
  {:ok, appup()} | {:error, term()}

Generate a .appup for the given application, start version, and upgrade version.


- application: the application name as an atom
- v1: the previous version, such as "0.0.1"
- v2: the new version, such as "0.0.2"
- v1_path: the path to the v1 artifacts (rel/<app>/lib/<app>-0.0.1)
- v2_path: the path to the v2 artifacts (_build/prod/lib/<app>)