distillery v2.0.8 Mix.Releases.Profile View Source

Represents the configuration profile for a specific environment and release. More generally, a release has a profile, as does an environment, and when determining the configuration for a release in a given environment, the environment profile overrides the release profile.


  • :output_dir - The directory to place release artifacts (default: _build/<env>/rel/<name>)
  • :vm_args - When set, defines the path to a vm.args template to use
  • :cookie - The distribution cookie to use when one is not provided via alternate means
  • :sys_config - When set, defines the path to a custom sys.config file to use in the release
  • :no_dot_erlang - Determines whether or not to pass :no_dot_erlang to :systools
  • :executable - When set, builds the release into a self-extracting tar archive.

                         This setting can either be `true`, a keyword list of options implying `true`, or `false`
    • :transient - One of the options possible for :executable. Sets the archive to remove all extracted contents once execution finishes. NOTE: Only removes the self-extracted directory.
  • :erl_opts - A string containing command-line arguments to pass to erl when running the release.
  • :run_erl_env - A string containing environment variables to set when using run_erl
  • :dev_mode - Assembles the release in a special development mode, optimized for quick feedback loops; rather than copying files to the output directory, they are symlinked, avoiding the expensive copies, and allowing one to run mix compile, restart the release, and have the changes be picked up. Disables archival of the release, and is not intended for deployment use, only development and testing.
  • :include_erts - Sets the strategy for locating ERTS in a release to one of the following:

    • true - Bundles the current ERTS into the release (located by asking erl where it lives)
    • false - Skips bundling an ERTS completely, but requires that one be provided on the target system
    • "path/to/erlang" - As indicated, a path to the ERTS you wish to bundle. Useful for cross-compiling. This path can be found with :code.root_dir()
  • :include_src - Boolean indicating whether to bundle source files in the release. (default: false)
  • :config_providers - A list of custom configuration providers to use. See Mix.Releases.Config.Provider for details.
  • :included_configs - Used to set paths for additional sys.config files to include at runtime, e.g. ["/etc/sys.config"]
  • :appup_transforms - A list of custom appup transforms to apply when building upgrades: e.g. [MyTransform, {MyTransform, [:foo]}]
  • :strip_debug_info - Boolean indicating whether to strip debug information from BEAM files (default: false)
  • :plugins - A list of custom release plugins. See Mix.Releases.Plugin for details
  • :overlay_vars - A list of variables to expose to overlays and templates. Must be a Keyword list
  • :overlays - A list of overlays to apply. See Mix.Releases.Overlays for details.
  • :overrides - A list of overrides for Distillery-provided overlay vars
  • :commands - A list of custom commands to add to the release, e.g. [migrate: "rel/scripts/migrate.sh"]


The following options all take a path to a directory containing the scripts which will be executed at the given point in the release lifecycle:

  • :pre_configure_hooks - Executed before the system has generated config files
  • :post_configure_hooks - Executed after config files have been generated
  • :pre_start_hooks - Executed before the release is started
  • ::post_start_hooks - Executed after the release is started
  • :pre_stop_hooks - Executed before the release is stopped
  • :post_stop_hooks - Executed after the release is stopped
  • :pre_upgrade_hooks - Executed before a release upgrade is installed
  • :post_upgrade_hooks - Executed after a release upgrade is installed

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Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %Mix.Releases.Profile{
  appup_transforms: [module() | {module(), [term()]}],
  commands: nil | [{atom(), String.t()}],
  config: nil | String.t(),
  config_providers: [module() | {module(), [term()]}],
  cookie: nil | Atom.t(),
  dev_mode: nil | boolean(),
  erl_opts: nil | String.t(),
  erts_version: nil | String.t(),
  executable: term(),
  include_erts: nil | boolean() | String.t(),
  include_src: nil | boolean(),
  include_system_libs: nil | boolean() | String.t(),
  included_configs: [String.t()],
  no_dot_erlang: nil | boolean(),
  output_dir: nil | String.t(),
  overlay_vars: nil | Keyword.t(),
  overlays: Mix.Releases.Overlay.overlay(),
  overrides: nil | [{atom(), String.t()}],
  plugins: [module()],
  post_configure_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  post_start_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  post_stop_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  post_upgrade_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  pre_configure_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  pre_start_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  pre_stop_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  pre_upgrade_hooks: nil | String.t(),
  run_erl_env: nil | String.t(),
  strip_debug_info: nil | boolean(),
  sys_config: nil | String.t(),
  vm_args: nil | String.t()