DNS.ResourceOpt (dns v2.2.0)

Elixir struct for RFC2671/6891's OPT RR records. The corresponding record in inet_dns is :dns_rr_opt

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Converts a :dns_rr_opt record into a DNS.ResourceOpt.

Converts a DNS.ResourceOpt struct to a :dns_rr_opt record.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %DNS.ResourceOpt{
  data: term(),
  domain: term(),
  ext_rcode: term(),
  type: term(),
  udp_payload_size: term(),
  version: term(),
  z: term()

Link to this section Functions

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Converts a :dns_rr_opt record into a DNS.ResourceOpt.

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Converts a DNS.ResourceOpt struct to a :dns_rr_opt record.