View Source Doctor.ReportUtils (Doctor v0.21.0)

This module provides some utility functions for use in report generators.

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Calculate the overall doc coverage in the codebase

Calculate the ratio of modules which have a moduledoc.

Calculate the overall spec coverage in the codebase

Given a list of module reports, count the total number of documented functions

Given a list of module reports, count the total number of failed modules

Given a list of module reports, count the total number of functions

Given a list of module reports, count the total number of passed modules

Given a list of module reports, count the total number of speced functions

Check whether Doctor overall has passed or failed validation

Check whether Doctor overall has passed or failed validation

Checks whether the provided module passed validation

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Calculate the overall doc coverage in the codebase

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Calculate the ratio of modules which have a moduledoc.

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Calculate the overall spec coverage in the codebase

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Given a list of module reports, count the total number of documented functions

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count_total_failed_modules(module_report_list, config)

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Given a list of module reports, count the total number of failed modules

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Given a list of module reports, count the total number of functions

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count_total_passed_modules(module_report_list, config)

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Given a list of module reports, count the total number of passed modules

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Given a list of module reports, count the total number of speced functions

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doctor_report_errors(module_report_list, config)

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@spec doctor_report_errors([Doctor.ModuleReport.t()], Doctor.Config.t()) :: [

Check whether Doctor overall has passed or failed validation

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doctor_report_passed?(module_report_list, config)

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Check whether Doctor overall has passed or failed validation

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module_passed_validation?(module_report, config)

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Checks whether the provided module passed validation