View Source DocuSign.Api.EnvelopePublish (DocuSign v1.2.0)

API calls for all endpoints tagged EnvelopePublish.



Submits a batch of historical envelopes for republish to a webhook. This endpoint submits a batch of existing envelopes to a webhook of your choice. Set the webhook address with the urlToPublishTo request body parameter. This endpoint does not call an existing Connect configuration or create a new Connect listener to monitor new activity. It simply uses an ad hoc configuration to submit existing envelopes. You must include all the configuration data in the request body. The envelope data will always be transmitted in JSON format. XML, Salesforce, and eOriginal configuration types are not supported. Your request should match the following format: { "envelopes": ["4280f274-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b218b7eeda08", "8373a938-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e992a2abae01"], "config": { "configurationType":"custom", "name": "Test", "urlToPublishTo":"YOUR-WEBHOOK-URL", "allowEnvelopePublish": "true", "enableLog": "true", "requiresAcknowledgement": "true", "IncludeHMAC": "true", "SignMessageWithX509Cert": "true", "deliveryMode": "SIM", "eventData": { "version": "restv2.1", "format": "json", "includedata": ["tabs","payment_tabs","custom_fields","powerform","recipients","folde rs","extensions","attachments", "prefill_tabs", "documents"] } } } If the request succeeds, it returns a 201 (Created) HTTP response code and the response body property processingStatus will be set to processing. You can then view the status of each historical republish request in the Bulk Actions Log.


Link to this function

historical_envelope_publish_post_historical_envelope_publish_transaction(connection, account_id, opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec historical_envelope_publish_post_historical_envelope_publish_transaction(
) ::
  {:ok, DocuSign.Model.EnvelopePublishTransaction.t()}
  | {:ok, DocuSign.Model.ErrorDetails.t()}
  | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Submits a batch of historical envelopes for republish to a webhook. This endpoint submits a batch of existing envelopes to a webhook of your choice. Set the webhook address with the urlToPublishTo request body parameter. This endpoint does not call an existing Connect configuration or create a new Connect listener to monitor new activity. It simply uses an ad hoc configuration to submit existing envelopes. You must include all the configuration data in the request body. The envelope data will always be transmitted in JSON format. XML, Salesforce, and eOriginal configuration types are not supported. Your request should match the following format: { "envelopes": ["4280f274-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-b218b7eeda08", "8373a938-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e992a2abae01"], "config": { "configurationType":"custom", "name": "Test", "urlToPublishTo":"YOUR-WEBHOOK-URL", "allowEnvelopePublish": "true", "enableLog": "true", "requiresAcknowledgement": "true", "IncludeHMAC": "true", "SignMessageWithX509Cert": "true", "deliveryMode": "SIM", "eventData": { "version": "restv2.1", "format": "json", "includedata": ["tabs","payment_tabs","custom_fields","powerform","recipients","folde rs","extensions","attachments", "prefill_tabs", "documents"] } } } If the request succeeds, it returns a 201 (Created) HTTP response code and the response body property processingStatus will be set to processing. You can then view the status of each historical republish request in the Bulk Actions Log.


  • connection (DocuSign.Connection): Connection to server
  • account_id (String.t): The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
  • opts (keyword): Optional parameters
    • :body (ConnectHistoricalEnvelopeRepublish):


  • {:ok, DocuSign.Model.EnvelopePublishTransaction.t} on success
  • {:error, Tesla.Env.t} on failure