View Source DocuSign.Api.TemplateResponsiveHtmlPreview (DocuSign v1.3.0)

API calls for all endpoints tagged TemplateResponsiveHtmlPreview.



Creates a preview of the responsive versions of all of the documents associated with a template. Creates a preview of the responsive, HTML versions of all of the documents associated with a template. This method enables you to preview the PDF document conversions to responsive HTML across device types prior to sending. The request body is a documentHtmlDefinition object, which holds the responsive signing parameters that define how to generate the HTML version of the documents.


responsive_html_post_template_responsive_html_preview(connection, account_id, template_id, opts \\ [])

@spec responsive_html_post_template_responsive_html_preview(
) ::
  {:ok, DocuSign.Model.ErrorDetails.t()}
  | {:ok, DocuSign.Model.DocumentHtmlDefinitions.t()}
  | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}

Creates a preview of the responsive versions of all of the documents associated with a template. Creates a preview of the responsive, HTML versions of all of the documents associated with a template. This method enables you to preview the PDF document conversions to responsive HTML across device types prior to sending. The request body is a documentHtmlDefinition object, which holds the responsive signing parameters that define how to generate the HTML version of the documents.


  • connection (DocuSign.Connection): Connection to server
  • account_id (String.t): The external account number (int) or account ID GUID.
  • template_id (String.t): The ID of the template.
  • opts (keyword): Optional parameters
    • :body (DocumentHtmlDefinition):


  • {:ok, DocuSign.Model.DocumentHtmlDefinitions.t} on success
  • {:error, Tesla.Env.t} on failure