View Source DocuSign.Connection (DocuSign v1.2.0)

The module is intended to be used to establish a connection with DocuSign eSignature API and then perform requests to it.


iex> user_id = "74830914-547328-5432-5432543"
iex> account_id = "61ac4bd1-c83c-4aa6-8654-ddf3tg5"
iex> {:ok, conn} = DocuSign.Connection.get(user_id)
iex> {:ok, users} = DocuSign.Api.Users.users_get_users(conn, account_id)
{:ok, %DocuSign.Model.UserInformationList{...}}



default_account() deprecated

Retrieves the default account of default user configured

Create new conn for provided user ID.

new() deprecated

Create new conn for default configured user ID

Makes a request.


@type oauth_error() :: OAuth2.Response.t() | OAuth2.Error.t()
@type t() :: %DocuSign.Connection{app_account: term(), client: term()}


This function is deprecated. Please use `Docusign.Connection.get/1`. The returned structs includes `app_account`, which is the default account. .
@spec default_account() :: DocuSign.User.AppAccount.t()

Retrieves the default account of default user configured

@spec get(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, oauth_error()}

Create new conn for provided user ID.

This function is deprecated. Use DocuSign.Connection.get/1 instead..
@spec new() :: t()

Create new conn for default configured user ID

Link to this function

request(conn, opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec request(t(), Keyword.t()) :: %OAuth2.Response{
  body: term(),
  headers: term(),
  status_code: term()

Makes a request.