View Source DocuSign.Model.DateStampProperties (DocuSign v1.3.0)

Specifies the area in which a date stamp is placed. This parameter uses pixel positioning to draw a rectangle at the center of the stamp area. The stamp is superimposed on top of this central area. This property contains the following information about the central rectangle: - DateAreaX: The X axis position of the top-left corner. - DateAreaY: The Y axis position of the top-left corner. - DateAreaWidth: The width of the rectangle. - DateAreaHeight: The height of the rectangle.




@type t() :: %DocuSign.Model.DateStampProperties{
  dateAreaHeight: String.t() | nil,
  dateAreaWidth: String.t() | nil,
  dateAreaX: String.t() | nil,
  dateAreaY: String.t() | nil