View Source Doex.Api (doex v0.14.1)

Make almost direct calls to the Digital Ocean API.

Assuming your configs are properly setup, then you only need to provide the endpoint after the /v2 in the DO API, so to access your account you would run


OR, you encode the method, and make the same call like, %{source: "/account"})

If your configurations are message up (or other errors occur), it will look similar to

 "Expected a 200, received 401",
 %{"id" => "unauthorized", "message" => "Unable to authenticate you."}}

If things are working as expected, a success message looks like

 %{"account" => %{"droplet_limit" => 99, "email" => "",
     "email_verified" => true, "floating_ip_limit" => 5, "status" => "active",
     "status_message" => "",
     "uuid" => "abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh"}}}

To send a POST command, for example creating a new droplet, you can run
   %{name: "dplet001",
     region: "tor1",
     size: "s-1vcpu-1gb",
     image: "ubuntu-18-04-x64",
     ssh_keys: [12345],
     backups: false,
     ipv6: true,
     user_data: nil,
     private_networking: nil,
     volumes: nil,
     tags: ["dplet001"]})

OR, you encode the method, and make the same call like
 %{source: "/droplets",
   body: %{name: "dplet001",
           region: "tor1",
           size: "s-1vcpu-1gb",
           image: "ubuntu-18-04-x64",
           ssh_keys: [12345],
           backups: false,
           ipv6: true,
           user_data: nil,
           private_networking: nil,
           volumes: nil,
           tags: ["dplet001"]}})

You could also provide additional headers within the call, but the defaults of

  %{bearer: <your configured token>,
    content_type: "application/json"}

Should be sufficient. But if you needed to make the calls directly without any loaded config, then you could. For example,

   %{bearer: "ABC123",
     content_type: "application/json"})

   %{source: "/account",
     header: %{bearer: "ABC123",
               content_type: "application/json"}})

A similar approach can be used for sending the headers via a POST call.

Link to this section Summary


Retrieve data from the API using any method (:get, :post, :put, :delete, etc) available

Make an API call using PUT. Optionally provide any required data and headers

Encode the provided hash map for the URL.

Build the headers for your API

Make an API call using GET. Optionally provide any required headers

Make an API call using POST. Optionally provide any required data and headers

Make an API call using PUT. Optionally provide any required data and headers

Provided the relative path of the Digital Ocean API, resolve the full URL

Link to this section Functions

Retrieve data from the API using any method (:get, :post, :put, :delete, etc) available

Link to this function

delete(source, body \\ %{}, headers \\ %{})

View Source

Make an API call using PUT. Optionally provide any required data and headers

Encode the provided hash map for the URL.



iex> Doex.Api.encode_body(%{a: "one", b: "two"})

iex> Doex.Api.encode_body(%{a: "o ne"})
"{\"a\":\"o ne\"}"

iex> Doex.Api.encode_body(nil, %{a: "o ne"})
"{\"a\":\"o ne\"}"

iex> Doex.Api.encode_body("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", %{a: "o ne"})

iex> Doex.Api.encode_body("application/json", %{a: "b"})

Build the headers for your API



iex> Doex.Api.encode_headers(%{content_type: "application/json", bearer: "abc123"})
[{"Authorization", "Bearer abc123"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}]

iex> Doex.Api.encode_headers(%{bearer: "abc123"})
[{"Authorization", "Bearer abc123"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}]

iex> Doex.Api.encode_headers(%{})
[{"Authorization", "Bearer FILL_ME_IN"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}]

iex> Doex.Api.encode_headers()
[{"Authorization", "Bearer FILL_ME_IN"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}]

iex> Doex.Api.encode_headers(nil)
[{"Authorization", "Bearer FILL_ME_IN"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}]
Link to this function

get(source, headers \\ %{})

View Source

Make an API call using GET. Optionally provide any required headers

Link to this macro

invoke(piped_in_argument, expr)

View Source (macro)
Link to this function

post(source, body \\ %{}, headers \\ %{})

View Source

Make an API call using POST. Optionally provide any required data and headers

Link to this function

put(source, body \\ %{}, headers \\ %{})

View Source

Make an API call using PUT. Optionally provide any required data and headers

Provided the relative path of the Digital Ocean API, resolve the full URL



iex> Doex.Api.resolve_url("/accounts")