Drm (drm v0.2.1) View Source

A Digital Rights Management System for Elixir Applications/Modules.

Drm loads valid license files into genservers and then dispatches incoming requests to them for validation.

In this model we give each different otp application a fingerprint/hash, and associate it with a license key.

Here we are creating a new license for an otp app which we reference as "umbrella-app-hash-id", (this creates the license file, and loads it into the licensing server), then we check to see if the license is still valid

## Examples

 iex> license =  %{hash: "license-key12", meta: %{email: "demo@example.com", name: "licensee name"}, policy: %{name: "policy name", type: "free", expiration: nil, validation_type: "strict", checkin: false, checkin_interval: nil, max_fingerprints: nil, fingerprint: "umbrella-app-hash-id"}}
 iex> License.create(license)
 iex> License.fingerprint_valid?(license.policy.fingerprint)

Link to this section Summary


Remove all licenses

Create a new license

Decode a license

Delete a license by filename

Encode a license

Export the license file

Export license keys

check if the appid "fingerprint" exists

Generate a license key based on a hash

Validate that a license struct is valid

Validate that a license struct is valid and matches the fingerprint

Validate an encrypted license string

Validate that an encrypted license is valid and matches the fingerprint

Link to this section Functions


clear() :: String.t()

Remove all licenses


 iex> License.clear()


create(Map.t()) :: String.t()

Create a new license


  • hash: the license key string
  • meta: a map of meta data to enclude in the license
  • policy: a map of the main policy for the license ### Parameters
    • name : the name of the policy
    • type: the type of policy "free | commercial"
    • expiration: the license experation date this is a Datetime.t -> int ie. DateTime.utc_now() |> to_unix
    • validation_type: the validation type "strict | floating | concurrent"
    • checkin: when to checkin "true | false"
    • checkin_interval: when to checkin "nil | daily | weekly | monthly"
    • max_fingerprints: the number of max fingerprints for this license
    • fingerprint: the fingerprint for this license

      Validation Types

    • strict: a license that implements the policy will be considered invalid if its machine limit is surpassed
    • floating: a license that implements the policy will be valid across multiple machines
    • concurrent: a licensing model, where you allow a set number of machines to be activated at one time, and exceeding that limit may invalidate all current sessions.


    • free: a free license
    • commercial: a free license


iex> license =  %{hash: "license-key12", meta: %{email: "demo@example.com", name: "licensee name"}, policy: %{name: "policy name", type: "free", expiration: nil, validation_type: "strict", checkin: false, checkin_interval: nil, max_fingerprints: nil, fingerprint: "main-app-name-umbrella-app-hash-id"}}
iex>  License.create(license)


decode(String.t()) :: Map.t()

Decode a license


license_string = "1ASHD7P87VKlA1iC8Q3tdPFCthdeHxSOWS6BQfUv8gsC8yzNg6OeccIErfuKGvRWzzsRyZ7n/0RwE7ZuQCBL4eHPL5zhGCW5JunAKlsorpKdbMWACiv64q/JO3TOCBJSasd0grljX8z2OzKDeEyk7f0xfIleeL0jXfe+rF9/JC4o7vRHTwJS5va6r19fcWWB5u4AxQUw5tsJmcWBVX5TDwTH8WSJr8HK9xto8V6M1DNzNUKf3dLHBr32dVUjM+uNW2W2uy5Cl3LKIPxv+rmwZmTBZ/1kX8VrqE1BXCM7HttiwzmBEmbQJrvcnY5CAiO562HJTAM6C7RFsHGOtrwWINRzCkMxOffAeuHYy6G9S+ngasJBR/0a39HcA2Ic4mz5"


delete(String.t()) :: any()

Delete a license by filename


  iex> License.delete("3454453444")
  {:error, :enoent}


encode(Map.t()) :: String.t()

Encode a license


  • hash: the license key string
  • meta: a map of meta data to enclude in the license
  • policy: a map of the main policy for the license ### Parameters
    • name : the name of the policy
    • type: the type of policy "free | commercial"
    • expiration: the license experation date this is a Datetime.t -> int ie. DateTime.utc_now() |> to_unix
    • validation_type: the validation type "strict | floating | concurrent"
    • checkin: when to checkin "true | false"
    • checkin_interval: when to checkin "nil | daily | weekly | monthly"
    • max_fingerprints: the number of max fingerprints for this license
    • fingerprint: the fingerprint for this license

      Validation Types

    • strict: a license that implements the policy will be considered invalid if its machine limit is surpassed
    • floating: a license that implements the policy will be valid across multiple machines
    • concurrent: a licensing model, where you allow a set number of machines to be activated at one time, and exceeding that limit may invalidate all current sessions.


    • free: a free license
    • commercial: a free license


license =  %{hash: "license-key", meta: %{email: "demo@example.com", name: "licensee name"}, policy: %{name: "policy name", type: "free", expiration: 55, validation_type: "strict", checkin: false, checkin_interval: nil, max_fingerprints: nil, fingerprint: "main-app-name-umbrella-app-hash-id"}}
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export(id, type \\ "list")

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Export the license file


 iex> fingerprint = "umbrella-app-id"
 iex> License.export(fingerprint)
 {:error, "fingerprint not found"}


export_keys() :: Map.t()

Export license keys



check if the appid "fingerprint" exists


 iex> fingerprint = "umbrella-app-id"
 iex> License.fingerprint_valid?(fingerprint)
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generate_key(hash, number \\ 1, delimeter \\ "-")

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generate_key(String.t(), Integer.t(), String.t()) :: any()

Generate a license key based on a hash


hash = "4424552325453453"
License.generate_key(hash, 2)


is_base64?(String.t()) :: any()

Validate that a license struct is valid


license =  %{hash: "license-key", meta: %{email: "demo@example.com", name: "licensee name"}, policy: %{name: "policy name", type: "free", expiration: 55, validation_type: "strict", checkin: false, checkin_interval: nil, max_fingerprints: nil, fingerprint: "main-app-name-umbrella-app-hash-id"}}
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is_valid?(license, fingerprint_in_question)

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Validate that a license struct is valid and matches the fingerprint


license =  %{hash: "license-key", meta: %{email: "demo@example.com", name: "licensee name"}, policy: %{name: "policy name", type: "free", expiration: 55, validation_type: "strict", checkin: false, checkin_interval: nil, max_fingerprints: nil, fingerprint: "main-app-name-umbrella-app-hash-id"}}
fingerprint = "main-app-name-umbrella-app-hash-id"
License.is_valid?(license, fingerprint)


valid?(String.t()) :: any()

Validate an encrypted license string


 iex> license_string = "3454453444"
 iex> License.valid?(license_string)
Link to this function

valid?(license_string, fingerprint_in_question)

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valid?(String.t(), String.t()) :: any()

Validate that an encrypted license is valid and matches the fingerprint


iex> license_string = "3454453444"
iex> fingerprint = "umbrella-app-id"
iex> License.valid?(license_string, fingerprint)