View Source API Reference drops v0.1.0


Drops.Casters is a module that provides functions for casting values from one type to another.

Drops.Contract can be used to extend your module with data validation capabilities.

Drops.Predicates is a module that provides validation functions that can be used as the type constraints.

Drops.Types is a module that provides functions for creating type structs from DSL's type specs represented by plain tuples.

Drops.Types.Cast is a struct that represents a cast type with input and output types.

Drops.Types.List is a struct that represents a list type with a member type and optional constraints.

Drops.Types.Map is a struct that represents a map type with optional constraints.

DSL functions for defining map key and value type specifications.

Drops.Types.Sum is a struct that represents a sum type with left and right types.

Drops.Types.Type is a struct that represents a primitive type with optional constraints.

Messages Backends are used to generate error messages from error results.