View Source Earmark.Options (Earmark v1.4.47)

This is a superset of the options that need to be passed into Earmark.Parser.as_ast/2

The following options are proper to Earmark only and therefore explained in detail

  • compact_output: boolean indicating to avoid indentation and minimize whitespace

  • eex: Allows usage of an EEx template to be expanded to markdown before conversion

  • file: Name of file passed in from the CLI

  • line: 1 but might be set to an offset for better error messages in some integration cases

  • smartypants: boolean use Smarty Pants in the output

  • ignore_strings, postprocessor and registered_processors: processors that modify the AST returned from

    Earmark.Parser.as_ast/2 before rendering (post because preprocessing is done on the markdown, e.g. eex) Refer to the moduledoc of Earmark.Transform for details

All other options are passed onto Earmark.Parser.as_ast/2



Make a legal and normalized Option struct from, maps or keyword lists

Allows to compute the path of a relative file name (starting with "./") from the file in options and return an updated options struct

A convenience constructor


@type options() ::
  t() | Earmark.Parser.Options.t() | map() | maybe_improper_list() | Keyword.t()
@type t() :: %Earmark.Options{
  annotations: String.t() | nil,
  breaks: boolean(),
  code_class_prefix: String.t() | nil,
  compact_output: boolean(),
  eex: boolean(),
  escape: boolean(),
  file: String.t() | nil,
  footnote_offset: non_neg_integer(),
  footnotes: boolean(),
  gfm: boolean(),
  gfm_tables: boolean(),
  ignore_strings: boolean(),
  inner_html: boolean(),
  line: non_neg_integer(),
  mapper: ([any()], function() -> {:ok, [any()]} | {:error, any()}),
    ([any()], function(), integer() -> {:ok, [any()]} | {:error, any()}),
  messages: [Earmark.Error.t()] | [],
  pedantic: boolean(),
  postprocessor: function() | nil,
  pure_links: boolean(),
  registered_processors: [any()],
  smartypants: boolean(),
  sub_sup: boolean(),
  template: boolean(),
  timeout: integer() | nil,
  wikilinks: boolean()


Link to this function

make_options(options \\ [])

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@spec make_options(options()) ::
  {:ok, options()} | {:error, [{atom(), integer(), String.t()}]}

Make a legal and normalized Option struct from, maps or keyword lists

Without a param or an empty input we just get a new Option struct

iex(1)> { make_options(), make_options(%{}) } { {:ok, %Earmark.Options{}}, {:ok, %Earmark.Options{}} }

The same holds for the bang version of course

iex(2)> { make_options!(), make_options!(%{}) } { %Earmark.Options{}, %Earmark.Options{} }

We check for unallowed keys

iex(3)> make_options(no_such_option: true) {:error, [{:warning, 0, "Unrecognized option no_such_option: true"}]}

Of course we do not let our users discover one error after another

iex(4)> make_options(no_such_option: true, gfm: false, still_not_an_option: 42) {:error, [{:warning, 0, "Unrecognized option no_such_option: true"}, {:warning, 0, "Unrecognized option still_not_an_option: 42"}]}

And the bang version will raise an Earmark.Error as excepted (sic)

iex(5)> make_options!(no_such_option: true, gfm: false, still_not_an_option: 42) ** (Earmark.Error) [{:warning, 0, "Unrecognized option no_such_option: true"}, {:warning, 0, "Unrecognized option still_not_an_option: 42"}]

Some values need to be numeric

iex(6)> make_options(line: "42") {:error, [{:error, 0, "line option must be numeric"}]}

iex(7)> make_options(%Earmark.Options{footnote_offset: "42"}) {:error, [{:error, 0, "footnote_offset option must be numeric"}]}

iex(8)> make_options(%{line: "42", footnote_offset: nil}) {:error, [{:error, 0, "footnote_offset option must be numeric"}, {:error, 0, "line option must be numeric"}]}

Link to this function

make_options!(options \\ [])

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Link to this function

relative_filename(options, filename)

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@spec relative_filename(options(), String.t()) :: options()

Allows to compute the path of a relative file name (starting with "./") from the file in options and return an updated options struct

iex(9)> options = %Earmark.Options{file: "some/path/"} ...(9)> options = relative_filename(options, "./") ...(9)> options.file "some/path/"

For your convenience you can just use a keyword list

iex(10)> options = relativefilename([file: "some/path/.md", breaks: true], "./") ...(10)> {options.file, options.breaks} {"some/path/", true}

If the filename is not absolute it just replaces the file in options

iex(11)> options = %Earmark.Options{file: "some/path/"} ...(11)> options = relative_filename(options, "") ...(11)> options.file ""

And there is a special case when processing stdin, meaning that file: nil we replace file verbatim in that case

iex(12)> options = %Earmark.Options{} ...(12)> options = relative_filename(options, "./") ...(12)> options.file "./"

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with_postprocessor(pp, rps \\ [])

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A convenience constructor