Ecto.Repo behaviour

Defines a repository.

A repository maps to an underlying data store, controlled by the adapter. For example, Ecto ships with a Postgres adapter that stores data into a PostgreSQL database.

When used, the repository expects the :otp_app as option. The :otp_app should point to an OTP application that has the repository configuration. For example, the repository:

defmodule Repo do
  use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :my_app

Could be configured with:

config :my_app, Repo,
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  database: "ecto_simple",
  username: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  hostname: "localhost"

Most of the configuration that goes into the config is specific to the adapter, so check Ecto.Adapters.Postgres documentation for more information. However, some configuration is shared across all adapters, they are:

  • :priv - the directory where to keep repository data, like migrations, schema and more. Defaults to “priv/YOUR_REPO”

  • :url - an URL that specifies storage information. Read below for more information


Repositories by default support URLs. For example, the configuration above could be rewriten to:

config :my_app, Repo,
  url: "ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/ecto_simple"

The schema can be of any value. The path represents the database name while options are simply merged in.

URLs also support {:system, "KEY"} to be given, telling Ecto to load the configuration from the system environment instead:

config :my_app, Repo,
  url: {:system, "DATABASE_URL"}



Returns the adapter tied to the repository

Returns the pool information this repository should run under

Returns the name of the ETS table used for query caching

Simply returns true to mark this module as a repository

Fetches all entries from the data store matching the given query

Returns the adapter configuration stored in the :otp_app environment

Deletes a model using its primary key

Same as delete/2 but returns the model or raises if the changeset is invalid

Deletes all entries matching the given query

Fetches a single model from the data store where the primary key matches the given id

Similar to get/3 but raises Ecto.NoResultsError if no record was found

Fetches a single result from the query

Similar to get_by/3 but raises Ecto.NoResultsError if no record was found

Inserts a model or a changeset

Same as insert/2 but returns the model or raises if the changeset is invalid

Enables logging of adapter actions such as sending queries to the database

Fetches a single result from the query

Similar to one/2 but raises Ecto.NoResultsError if no record was found

Preloads all associations on the given model or models

Rolls back the current transaction

Starts any connection pooling or supervision and return {:ok, pid} or just :ok if nothing needs to be done

Shuts down the repository represented by the given pid

Runs the given function inside a transaction

Updates a model or changeset using its primary key

Same as update/2 but returns the model or raises if the changeset is invalid

Updates all entries matching the given query with the given values


t :: module




__adapter__ :: Ecto.Adapter.t

Returns the adapter tied to the repository.



__pool__ :: {module, atom, timeout}

Returns the pool information this repository should run under.



__query_cache__ :: atom

Returns the name of the ETS table used for query caching.

The name can be configured with the :query_cache option.



__repo__ :: true

Simply returns true to mark this module as a repository.

all(arg0, arg1)


all(Ecto.Query.t, Keyword.t) ::
  [Ecto.Model.t] |

Fetches all entries from the data store matching the given query.

May raise Ecto.QueryError if query validation fails.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


# Fetch all post titles
query = from p in Post,
     select: p.title


config :: Keyword.t

Returns the adapter configuration stored in the :otp_app environment.

delete(arg0, arg1)


delete(Ecto.Model.t, Keyword.t) ::
  {:ok, Ecto.Model.t} |
  {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t}

Deletes a model using its primary key.

If any before_delete or after_delete callback are registered in the given model, they will be invoked with the changeset.

If the model has no primary key, Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyFieldError will be raised.

It returns {:ok, model} if the model has been successfully deleted or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation or a known constraint error.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


[post] = MyRepo.all(from(p in Post, where: == 42))
case MyRepo.delete post do
  {:ok, model}        -> # Deleted with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
delete!(arg0, arg1)


delete!(Ecto.Model.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |

Same as delete/2 but returns the model or raises if the changeset is invalid.

delete_all(arg0, arg1)


delete_all(Ecto.Queryable.t, Keyword.t) ::
  {integer, nil} |

Deletes all entries matching the given query.

It returns a tuple containing the number of entries and any returned result as second element. If the database does not support RETURNING in DELETE statements or no return result was selected, the second element will be nil.

This operation does not run the model before_delete and after_delete callbacks.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query



from(p in Post, where: < 10) |> MyRepo.delete_all
get(arg0, term, arg2)


get(Ecto.Queryable.t, term, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |
  nil |

Fetches a single model from the data store where the primary key matches the given id.

Returns nil if no result was found. If the model in the queryable has no primary key Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyFieldError will be raised.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000)
  • :log - When false, does not log the query
get!(arg0, term, arg2)


get!(Ecto.Queryable.t, term, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |
  nil |

Similar to get/3 but raises Ecto.NoResultsError if no record was found.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query
get_by(arg0, arg1, arg2)


get_by(Ecto.Queryable.t, Keyword.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |
  nil |

Fetches a single result from the query.

Returns nil if no result was found.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


MyRepo.get_by(Post, title: "My post")
get_by!(arg0, arg1, arg2)


get_by!(Ecto.Queryable.t, Keyword.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |
  nil |

Similar to get_by/3 but raises Ecto.NoResultsError if no record was found.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


MyRepo.get_by!(Post, title: "My post")
insert(|, arg1)


Inserts a model or a changeset.

In case a model is given, the model is converted into a changeset with all model non-virtual fields as part of the changeset. This conversion is done by calling Ecto.Changeset.change/2 directly.

In case a changeset is given, the changes in the changeset are merged with the model fields, and all of them are sent to the database.

If any before_insert or after_insert callback is registered in the given model, they will be invoked with the changeset.

It returns {:ok, model} if the model has been successfully inserted or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation or a known constraint error.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


case MyRepo.insert %Post{title: "Ecto is great"} do
  {:ok, model}        -> # Inserted with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
insert!(arg0, arg1)


insert!(Ecto.Model.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |

Same as insert/2 but returns the model or raises if the changeset is invalid.



log(Ecto.LogEntry.t) :: any

Enables logging of adapter actions such as sending queries to the database.

By default writes to Logger but can be overriden to customize behaviour.


The default implementation of the log/1 function is shown below:

def log(entry) do
  Logger.debug(fn ->
    {_entry, iodata} = Ecto.LogEntry.to_iodata(entry)
  end, ecto_conn_pid: entry.connection_pid)
one(arg0, arg1)


one(Ecto.Queryable.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |
  nil |

Fetches a single result from the query.

Returns nil if no result was found.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query
one!(arg0, arg1)


one!(Ecto.Queryable.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |
  nil |

Similar to one/2 but raises Ecto.NoResultsError if no record was found.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query
preload(|, preloads)


preload([Ecto.Model.t] | Ecto.Model.t, preloads :: term) ::
  [Ecto.Model.t] |

Preloads all associations on the given model or models.

This is similar to Ecto.Query.preload/3 except it allows you to preload models after they have been fetched from the database.

In case the association was already loaded, preload won’t attempt to reload it.


Repo.preload posts, :comments
Repo.preload posts, comments: :permalinks
Repo.preload posts, comments: from(c in Comment, order_by: c.published_at)


rollback(any) :: no_return

Rolls back the current transaction.

The transaction will return the value given as {:error, value}.



start_link ::
  {:ok, pid} |
  {:error, {:already_started, pid}} |
  {:error, term}

Starts any connection pooling or supervision and return {:ok, pid} or just :ok if nothing needs to be done.

Returns {:error, {:already_started, pid}} if the repo already started or {:error, term} in case anything else goes wrong.

stop(pid, timeout)


stop(pid, timeout) :: :ok

Shuts down the repository represented by the given pid.

This callback must be called by the process that called start_link/2. Therefore, it is useful for scripts.

transaction(arg0, list)


transaction(Keyword.t, (... -> any)) ::
  {:ok, any} |
  {:error, any}

Runs the given function inside a transaction.

If an unhandled error occurs the transaction will be rolled back and the error will bubble up from the transaction function. If no error occurred the transaction will be commited when the function returns. A transaction can be explicitly rolled back by calling rollback/1, this will immediately leave the function and return the value given to rollback as {:error, value}.

A successful transaction returns the value returned by the function wrapped in a tuple as {:ok, value}.

If transaction/2 is called inside another transaction, the function is simply executed, without wrapping the new transaction call in any way. If there is an error in the inner transaction and the error is rescued, or the inner transaction is rolled back, the whole outer transaction is marked as tainted, guaranteeing nothing will be comitted.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log begin/commit/rollback queries


MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
  MyRepo.update!(%{alice | balance: alice.balance - 10})
  MyRepo.update!(%{bob | balance: bob.balance + 10})

# Roll back a transaction explicitly
MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
  p = MyRepo.insert!(%Post{})
  if not Editor.post_allowed?(p) do
update(|, arg1)


Updates a model or changeset using its primary key.

In case a model is given, the model is converted into a changeset with all model non-virtual fields as part of the changeset. This conversion is done by calling Ecto.Changeset.change/2 directly. For this reason, it is preferred to use changesets when performing updates as they perform dirty tracking and avoid sending data that did not change to the database over and over. In case there are no changes in the changeset, no data is sent to the database at all.

In case a changeset is given, only the changes in the changeset will be updated, leaving all the other model fields intact.

If any before_update or after_update callback are registered in the given model, they will be invoked with the changeset.

If the model has no primary key, Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyFieldError will be raised.

It returns {:ok, model} if the model has been successfully updated or {:error, changeset} if there was a validation or a known constraint error.


  • :force - By default, if there are no changes in the changeset, update!/2 is a no-op. By setting this option to true, update callbacks will always be executed, even if there are no changes (including timestamps).
  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


post = MyRepo.get!(Post, 42)
post = %{post | title: "New title"}
case MyRepo.update post do
  {:ok, model}        -> # Updated with success
  {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
update!(arg0, arg1)


update!(Ecto.Model.t, Keyword.t) ::
  Ecto.Model.t |

Same as update/2 but returns the model or raises if the changeset is invalid.

update_all(arg0, arg1, arg2)


update_all(Macro.t, Keyword.t, Keyword.t) ::
  {integer, nil} |

Updates all entries matching the given query with the given values.

It returns a tuple containing the number of entries and any returned result as second element. If the database does not support RETURNING in UPDATE statements or no return result was selected, the second element will be nil.

This operation does not run the model before_update and after_update callbacks.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log the query


MyRepo.update_all(Post, set: [title: "New title"])

MyRepo.update_all(Post, inc: [visits: 1])

from(p in Post, where: < 10)
|> MyRepo.update_all(set: [title: "New title"])

from(p in Post, where: < 10, update: [set: [title: "New title"]])
|> MyRepo.update_all([])