Ecto v1.1.0 Ecto.Pools.SojournBroker

Start a pool of connections using sbroker.


  • :pool_name - The name of the pool supervisor
  • :pool_size - The number of connections to keep in the pool (default: 10)
  • :min_backoff - The minimum backoff on failed connect in milliseconds (default: 50)
  • :max_backoff - The maximum backoff on failed connect in milliseconds (default: 5000)
  • :broker - The sbroker module to use (default: Ecto.Pools.SojournBroker.Timeout)
  • :lazy - When true, initial connections to the repo are lazily started (default: true)
  • :shutdown - The shutdown method for the connections (default: 5000) (see Supervisor.Spec)



Starts a pool of connections for the given connection module and options


start_link(conn_mod, opts)

Starts a pool of connections for the given connection module and options.

  • conn_mod - The connection module, see Ecto.Adapters.Connection
  • opts - The options for the pool, the broker and the connections