Ecto v2.2.2 Ecto.Adapter.Migration behaviour View Source

Specifies the adapter migrations API.

Link to this section Summary


All migration commands

A DDL object is a struct that represents a table or index in a database schema. These database objects can be modified through the use of a Data Definition Language, hence the name DDL object

All commands allowed within the block passed to table/2


Executes migration commands

Checks if the adapter supports ddl transaction

Link to this section Types

Link to this type command() View Source
command() :: raw :: String.t | {:create, Ecto.Migration.Table.t, [table_subcommand]} | {:create_if_not_exists, Ecto.Migration.Table.t, [table_subcommand]} | {:alter, Ecto.Migration.Table.t, [table_subcommand]} | {:drop, Ecto.Migration.Table.t} | {:drop_if_exists, Ecto.Migration.Table.t} | {:create, Ecto.Migration.Index.t} | {:create_if_not_exists, Ecto.Migration.Index.t} | {:drop, Ecto.Migration.Index.t} | {:drop_if_exists, Ecto.Migration.Index.t}

All migration commands

A DDL object is a struct that represents a table or index in a database schema. These database objects can be modified through the use of a Data Definition Language, hence the name DDL object.

Link to this type table_subcommand() View Source
table_subcommand ::
  {:add, field :: atom, type :: Ecto.Type.t | Ecto.Migration.Reference.t, Keyword.t} |
  {:modify, field :: atom, type :: Ecto.Type.t | Ecto.Migration.Reference.t, Keyword.t} |
  {:remove, field :: atom}

All commands allowed within the block passed to table/2

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback execute_ddl(repo, command, options) View Source
execute_ddl(repo :: Ecto.Repo.t, command, options :: Keyword.t) ::
  :ok |

Executes migration commands.


  • :timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the query call to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 15000);
  • :pool_timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for calls to the pool to finish, :infinity will wait indefinitely (default: 5000);
  • :log - When false, does not log begin/commit/rollback queries
Link to this callback supports_ddl_transaction?() View Source
supports_ddl_transaction?() :: boolean

Checks if the adapter supports ddl transaction.