Ecto v3.1.0 mix ecto.drop View Source

Drop the storage for the given repository.

The repositories to drop are the ones specified under the :ecto_repos option in the current app configuration. However, if the -r option is given, it replaces the :ecto_repos config.

Since Ecto tasks can only be executed once, if you need to drop multiple repositories, set :ecto_repos accordingly or pass the -r flag multiple times.


mix ecto.drop
mix ecto.drop -r Custom.Repo

Command line options

  • -r, --repo - the repo to drop
  • -q, --quiet - run the command quietly
  • -f, --force - do not ask for confirmation when dropping the database. Configuration is asked only when :start_permanent is set to true (typically in production)
  • --no-compile - do not compile before dropping
  • --no-deps-check - do not compile before dropping