Mix.Ecto (Ecto v3.5.7) View Source

Conveniences for writing Ecto related Mix tasks.

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Returns true if module implements behaviour.

Ensures the given module is an Ecto.Repo.

Gets a path relative to the application path.

Asks if the user wants to open a file based on ECTO_EDITOR.

Parses the repository option from the given command line args list.

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ensure_implements(module, behaviour, message)

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Returns true if module implements behaviour.


ensure_repo(module(), list()) :: Ecto.Repo.t()

Ensures the given module is an Ecto.Repo.

Gets a path relative to the application path.

Raises on umbrella application.


open?(binary()) :: boolean()

Asks if the user wants to open a file based on ECTO_EDITOR.


parse_repo([term()]) :: [Ecto.Repo.t()]

Parses the repository option from the given command line args list.

If no repo option is given, it is retrieved from the application environment.