Composable transactions with Multi

Ecto relies on database transactions when multiple operations must be performed atomically. The most common example used for transactions are bank transfers between two people:

Repo.transaction(fn ->
  mary_update =
    from Account,
      where: [id: ^],
      update: [inc: [balance: +10]]

  {1, _} = Repo.update_all(mary_update)

  john_update =
    from Account,
      where: [id: ^],
      update: [inc: [balance: -10]]

  {1, _} = Repo.update_all(john_update)

In Ecto, transactions can be performed via the Repo.transaction function. When we expect both operations to succeed, as above, transactions are quite straight-forward. However, transactions get more complicated if we need to check the status of each operation along the way:

Repo.transaction(fn ->
  mary_update =
    from Account,
      where: [id: ^],
      update: [inc: [balance: +10]]

  case Repo.update_all mary_update do
    {1, _} ->
      john_update =
        from Account,
          where: [id: ^],
          update: [inc: [balance: -10]]

      case Repo.update_all john_update do
        {1, _} -> {mary, john}
        {_, _} -> Repo.rollback({:failed_transfer, john})

    {_, _} ->
      Repo.rollback({:failed_transfer, mary})

Transactions in Ecto can also be nested arbitrarily. For example, imagine the transaction above is moved into its own function that receives both accounts, defined as transfer_money(mary, john, 10), and besides transferring money we also want to log the transfer:

Repo.transaction(fn ->
  case transfer_money(mary, john, 10) do
    {:ok, {mary, john}} ->
      transfer = %Transfer{
        amount: 10


    {:error, error} ->

The snippet above starts a transaction and then calls transfer_money/3 that also runs in a transaction. In the case of multiple transactions, they are all flattened, which means a failure in an inner transaction causes the outer transaction to also fail. That's why matching and rolling back on {:error, error} is important.

While nesting transactions can improve the code readability by breaking large transactions into multiple smaller transactions, there is still a lot of boilerplate involved in handling the success and failure scenarios. Furthermore, composition is quite limited, as all operations must still be performed inside transaction blocks.

A more declarative approach when working with transactions would be to define all operations we want to perform in a transaction decoupled from the transaction execution. This way we would be able to compose transactions operations without worrying about its execution context or about each individual success/failure scenario. That's exactly what Ecto.Multi allows us to do.

Composing with data structures

Let's rewrite the snippets above using Ecto.Multi. The first snippet that transfers money between Mary and John can rewritten to:

mary_update =
  from Account,
    where: [id: ^],
    update: [inc: [balance: +10]]

john_update =
  from Account,
    where: [id: ^],
    update: [inc: [balance: -10]]
|> Ecto.Multi.update_all(:mary, mary_update)
|> Ecto.Multi.update_all(:john, john_update)

Ecto.Multi is a data structure that defines multiple operations that must be performed together, without worrying about when they will be executed. Ecto.Multi mirrors most of the Ecto.Repo API, with the difference that each operation must be explicitly named. In the example above, we have defined two update operations, named :mary and :john. As we will see later, the names are important when handling the transaction results.

Since Ecto.Multi is just a data structure, we can pass it as argument to other functions, as well as return it. Assuming the multi above is moved into its own function, defined as transfer_money(mary, john, value), we can add a new operation to the multi that logs the transfer as follows:

transfer = %Transfer{
  amount: 10

transfer_money(mary, john, 10)
|> Ecto.Multi.insert(:transfer, transfer)

This is considerably simpler than the nested transaction approach we have seen earlier. Once all operations are defined in the multi, we can finally call Repo.transaction, this time passing the multi:

transfer = %Transfer{
  amount: 10

transfer_money(mary, john, 10)
|> Ecto.Multi.insert(:transfer, transfer)
|> Repo.transaction()
|> case do
  {:ok, %{transfer: transfer}} ->
    # Handle success case
  {:error, name, value, changes_so_far} ->
    # Handle failure case

If all operations in the multi succeed, it returns {:ok, map} where the map contains the name of all operations as keys and their success value. If any operation in the multi fails, the transaction is rolled back and Repo.transaction returns {:error, name, value, changes_so_far}, where name is the name of the failed operation, value is the failure value and changes_so_far is a map of the previously successful multi operations that have been rolled back due to the failure.

In other words, Ecto.Multi takes care of all the flow control boilerplate while decoupling the transaction definition from its execution, allowing us to compose operations as needed.

Dependent values

Besides operations such as insert, update and delete, Ecto.Multi also provides functions for handling more complex scenarios. For example, prepend and append can be used to merge multis together. And more generally, the functions and can be used to define any operation that depends on the results of a previous multi operation. In addition, Ecto.Multi also gives us put and inspect, which allow us to dynamically update and inspect changes.

Let's study a more practical example. In Constraints and Upserts, we want to modify a post while possibly giving it a list of tags as a string separated by commas. At the end of the guide, we present a solution that inserts any missing tag and then fetches all of them using only two queries:

defmodule MyApp.Post do
  use Ecto.Schema

  # Schema is the same
  schema "posts" do
    field :title
    field :body
    many_to_many :tags, MyApp.Tag,
      join_through: "posts_tags",
      on_replace: :delete

  # Changeset is the same
  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
    |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:title, :body])
    |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:tags, parse_tags(params))

  # Parse tags has slightly changed
  defp parse_tags(params)  do
    (params["tags"] || "")
    |> String.split(",")
    |> Enum.reject(& &1 == "")
    |> insert_and_get_all()

  defp insert_and_get_all([]) do

  defp insert_and_get_all(names) do
    timestamp =
      |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)

    maps =, &%{
        name: &1,
        inserted_at: timestamp,
        updated_at: timestamp

    Repo.insert_all(MyApp.Tag, maps, on_conflict: :nothing)

    Repo.all(from t in MyApp.Tag, where: in ^names)

While insert_and_get_all/1 is idempotent, allowing us to run it multiple times and get the same result back, it does not run inside a transaction, so any failure while attempting to modify the parent post struct would end-up creating tags that have no posts associated to them.

Let's fix the problem above by introducing using Ecto.Multi. Let's start by splitting the logic into both Post and Tag modules and keeping it free from side-effects such as database operations:

defmodule MyApp.Post do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "posts" do
    field :title
    field :body
    many_to_many :tags, MyApp.Tag,
      join_through: "posts_tags",
      on_replace: :delete

  def changeset(struct, tags, params) do
    |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:title, :body])
    |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:tags, tags)

defmodule MyApp.Tag do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "tags" do
    field :name

  def parse(tags) do
    (tags || "")
    |> String.split(",")
    |> Enum.reject(& &1 == "")

Now, whenever we need to introduce a post with tags, we can create a multi that wraps all operations and the repository access:

alias MyApp.Tag

def insert_or_update_post_with_tags(post, params) do
  |>, fn _repo, changes ->
    insert_and_get_all_tags(changes, params)
  |>, fn _repo, changes ->
    insert_or_update_post(changes, post, params)
  |> Repo.transaction()

defp insert_and_get_all_tags(_changes, params) do
  case MyApp.Tag.parse(params["tags"]) do
    [] ->
      {:ok, []}

    names ->
      timestamp =
        |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second)

      maps =, &%{
          name: &1,
          inserted_at: timestamp,
          updated_at: timestamp

      Repo.insert_all(Tag, maps, on_conflict: :nothing)

      query = from t in Tag, where: in ^names

      {:ok, Repo.all(query)}

defp insert_or_update_post(%{tags: tags}, post, params) do
  |> MyApp.Post.changeset(tags, params)
  |> Repo.insert_or_update()

In the example above we have used twice, albeit for two different reasons.

  1. In, ...), we used run/3 because we need to perform both insert_all and all operations, and while the multi exposes Ecto.Multi.insert_all/4, it does not have an equivalent to Ecto.Repo.all. Whenever we need to perform a repository operation that is not supported by Ecto.Multi, we can always fallback to run/3 or run/5.

  2. In, ...), we used run/3 because we need to access the value of a previous multi operation. The function given to run/3 receives, as second argument, a map with the results of the operations performed so far. To grab the tags returned in the previous step, we simply pattern match on %{tags: tags} on insert_or_update_post.

Note: The first argument received by the function given to run/3 is the repo in which the transaction is executing.

While run/3 is very handy when we need to go beyond the functionalities provided natively by Ecto.Multi, it has the downside that operations defined with are opaque and therefore they cannot be inspected by functions such as Ecto.Multi.to_list/1. Still, Ecto.Multi allows us to greatly simplify control flow logic and remove boilerplate when working with transactions.