View Source Ecto.DevLogger.PrintableParameter protocol (ecto_dev_logger v0.10.0)

A protocol to print various data structures as valid SQL expressions.

to_expression/1 is the main function and to_string_literal/1 is an optional helper for it.

Ecto.DevLogger tries to represent complex terms, like arrays (lists) and composite types (tuples) as string literal first. Not all terms are easy/efficient/whatever to represent as strings, so if to_string_literal/1 returns a string for all elements inside the array, then array will be represented as string as well. Otherwise, array will be represented using ARRAY constructor:

iex> Ecto.DevLogger.PrintableParameter.to_expression(["Elixir", "Ecto"])

iex> Ecto.DevLogger.PrintableParameter.to_expression(["Elixir", "Ecto", <<153>>])

The same is true for composite types (tuples):

iex> Ecto.DevLogger.PrintableParameter.to_expression({"Elixir", "Ecto"})

iex> Ecto.DevLogger.PrintableParameter.to_expression({"Elixir", "Ecto", <<153>>})

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Converts term to a valid SQL expression.

Converts term to a string literal.

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Link to this section Functions

@spec to_expression(any()) :: String.t()

Converts term to a valid SQL expression.

@spec to_string_literal(any()) :: String.t() | nil

Converts term to a string literal.