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This guide is an introduction to Ecto Entity, the missing Phoenix Ecto package to achieve +80% of common operations less than 20% of effort it would normally take. Ecto Entity provides a standardized API and a set of abstractions for interacting with database tables, so that your phoenix Elixir developers can focus on what's specific to your project.

In this guide, we're going to learn some basics about Ecto Entity, such as creating, reading, updating and destroying records from a database. If you want to see the code from this guide, you can view it at kamaroly/ecto_entity on GitHub.

This guide will require you to have setup Entity beforehand.



To add Entity to your application, The first step is to add Entity to your mix.exs file, which we'll do by changing the deps definition in that file to this:

  defp deps do
      {:ecto_entity, "~> 1.0.0"}

Then, to install it, you will run this command:

mix deps.get


Configure Your Ecto Repo

Ecto Entity needs to know what repository to use while running database query. To do that, add config :ecto_entity, app_name: :your_app_name to your config/config.exs file. :your_app_name will be often the app configured in mix.exs under project > app.

import Config
# Configure your APP name so that Ecto Entity can know
# What Ecto Repo to use for the entity
config :ecto_entity, app_name: :your_ecto_elixir_app_name

# Configure you pub server like the following. Replace `:app_name` with your app name
config :app_name, pubsub_server: Ecto.Entity.PubSub


Adding Entity To Your Schema

To start off with, we'll need to include Entity in our existing Phoenix Schema using use Ecto.Entity in your Schema module, like the following:

  defmodule MyApp.Person do
    import Ecto.Changeset
    use Ecto.Schema
    use Ecto.Entity # Include Entity in your normal schema

    schema "people" do
      field :first_name, :string
      field :last_name, :string
      field :age, :integer

    def changeset(entity, attrs) do
      |> cast(attrs, [:first_name, :last_name])
      |> validate_required([:first_name, :last_name])

NOTE: You must define a changeset/2 function to create and update your schema