FlowAssertions.Ecto.SchemaA (Ecto Flow Assertions v0.1.0) View Source

Assertions for values defined by the macros in Ecto.Schema.

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Assert that an association has been loaded.

Map comparison that auto-ignores fields typically irrelevant when working with schemas.

Check that the given value matches a schema's name.

Fail when an association has been loaded.

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assert_assoc_loaded(struct, key_or_keys)

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Assert that an association has been loaded.

Animal.typical(id, preload: [:service_gaps])
|> assert_loaded(:service_gaps)

The second argument can either be a single key or a list of keys.

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assert_same_schema(new, old, opts \\ [])

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Map comparison that auto-ignores fields typically irrelevant when working with schemas.

Works just like FlowAssertions.MapA.assert_same_map/3, except that it ignores the :updated_at, :created_at, and :__meta__ fields (if present).

|> VM.Animal.change(name: "bossie")
|> assert_same_schema(old, except: [name: "bossie"]

You can compare one or more of those three fields by using the comparing: or except: options:

assert_same_schema(new, old, except: newer_than(old)
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assert_schema_name(value, name)

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Check that the given value matches a schema's name.

We consider a schema's name to be that found inside its Ecto.Schema.Metadata, which is - by default - the module it was defined in. Embedded schemas don't have metadata, so FlowAssertions.StructA.assert_struct_named/2 is the appropriate assertion for them.

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refute_assoc_loaded(struct, key_or_keys)

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Fail when an association has been loaded.

Animal.typical(id, preload: [:species])
|> refute_loaded(:service_gaps)

The second argument can either be a single key or a list of keys.