View Source EctoHooks.Repo (ecto_hooks v1.2.1)

This module is intended to replace any usage of use Ecto.Repo. When this is done, any of the following Ecto.Repo callbacks will execute any defined before_* or after_* hooks in your Ecto schemas before returning.

Setup and initialization

Simply use this module wherever you would use Ecto.Schema. Any provided options are currently forwarded to use Ecto.Repo. In the future, EctoHooks may provide additional functionality based on given options.

Example Usage:

defmodule MyApp.Repo do
  use EctoHooks.Repo,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  require Logger

  schema "users" do
    field :first_name, :string
    field :last_name, :string

    field :full_name, :string, virtual: true

  def before_insert(changeset) do
    Logger.warning("inserted a new user...")

  def after_get(%__MODULE__{} = user, %EctoHooks.Delta{}) do
    %__MODULE__{user | full_name: user.first_name <> " " <> user.last_name}

As an aside, for documentation and potential code-completion purposes, you may also annotate your Ecto.Schema modules with the following:

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  @behaviour EctoHooks


  @impl EctoHooks
  def after_get(%__MODULE__{} = user, %EctoHooks.Delta{}) do
    %__MODULE__{user | full_name: user.first_name <> " " <> user.last_name}


After Hooks

Once initialized, the following Ecto.Repo callbacks will trigger the listed after_* hooks.

Executes after_get/2 if defined in schema:

  • all/2
  • get/3
  • get!/3
  • get_by/3
  • get_by!/3
  • one/2
  • one!/2
  • reload/2
  • reload!/2
  • preload/3

Executes after_delete/2 if defined in schema:

  • delete/2
  • delete!/2

Executes after_insert/2 if defined in schema:

  • insert/2
  • insert!/2

Executes after_update/2 if defined in schema:

  • update/2
  • update!/2

Executes after_insert/2 or to after_update/2 if defined in schema:

  • insert_or_update/2
  • insert_or_update!/2

Please note that the result of an after_* hook is the result which is intended to be returned by any of the above Ecto.Repo callbacks. All after_* hooks are expected to abide by the following typespec:

@spec after_*(schema_struct :: MyApp.User.t(), delta :: EctoHooks.Delta.t()) :: MyApp.User.t()

And any Ecto.Repo callback which expects to return {:ok, result} over result will do so automatically.

Take care to not break expected Ecto.Repo callback semantics as bugs resulting from these can prove difficult to diagnose and track down. As a rule of thumb, you should always aim to return the same type of argument passed into your defined hooks.

Before Hooks

Once initialized, the following Ecto.Repo callbacks will trigger the listed before_* hooks.

Executes before_delete/1 if defined in schema:

  • delete/2
  • delete!/2

Executes before_insert/1 if defined in schema:

  • insert/2
  • insert!/2

Executes before_update/1 if defined in schema:

  • update/2
  • update!/2

Executes before_insert/1 or to before_update/1 if defined in schema:

  • insert_or_update/2
  • insert_or_update!/2

Please note that the result of an before_* hook is usually the Ecto.Queryable which is passed as the first parameter to any of the above Ecto.Repo callbacks. All before_* hooks are expected to abide by the following typespec:

@spec before_*(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t()) :: Ecto.Queryable.t()


EctoHooks was initially designed to help with centralizing and de-duplicating logic to resolve virtual fields when working with Ecto schemas. However, since EctoHooks allows you to call arbitrary functions in response to Ecto.Repo callbacks, it can be used for much more.

All defined hooks are also executed synchronously, immediately before or after calling your Ecto.Repo callback. To try and mitigate the potential for infinite loops caused by hooks triggering other hooks, by default, EctoHooks will only trigger a hook if a parent function in the current process stacktrace is not another hook.

As a result, one should take great care when spawning processes which may result in calling Ecto.Repo callbacks, as there is currently no mitigation for infinite loops provided.

If you wish to opt in, opt out, or introspect the state of these mitigations, please see the documentation for the following functions: EctoHooks.enable_hooks/1, EctoHooks.disable_hooks/1, EctoHooks.hooks_enabled?/0 and EctoHooks.in_hook?/0.

This is a very powerful tool, and admittedly quite hidden and hard to track down. Trying to avoid adding too much business logic in your EctoHooks is wise for both performance reasons (as hooks are executed on every request), and maintainability reasons.



Enables EctoHooks integration in your Ecto.Repo module when use-ed.


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Enables EctoHooks integration in your Ecto.Repo module when use-ed.