EctoJsonapi v0.4.0 EctoJsonapi.Load View Source

Use to convert an Ecto.Schema into JSON:API

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link(attr, arg, options) View Source

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load(ectos) View Source
load([Ecto.Schema]) :: map()
load(Ecto.Schema) :: map()

Convert Ecto.Schemas into a Json API map

This looks at your schema and figures out how to convert it to the JSON:API V1.0 spec


The following options are accepted:

  • :attributes - the attributes you want to return for each type of Ecto.Schema being loaded. This is a map where the key is a module name and the value is a list of fields.
    E.g. attributes: %{User => [:email, :name, :age]}. Remember, the :id is not an attribute and is always returned.


Let's say you have the following data:

iex(1)>  user_with_credit_cards = %User{
...(1)>    id: 1,
...(1)>    name: "Micah Cooper",
...(1)>    email: "",
...(1)>    credit_cards: [
...(1)>      %CreditCard{
...(1)>        id: 456,
...(1)>        number: "4444 4444 4444 4444",
...(1)>        expiration_date: "2018-02",
...(1)>        cvv: "321",
...(1)>        user_id: 1
...(1)>      },
...(1)>      %CreditCard{
...(1)>        id: 789,
...(1)>        number: "5555 5555 5555 5555",
...(1)>        expiration_date: "2018-02",
...(1)>        cvv: "234",
...(1)>        user_id: 1
...(1)>      }
...(1)>    ]
...(1)>  }
...(1)> #Convert this to JSON:API. Only show the `User`'s email and name
...(1)> EctoJsonapi.Load.load(user_with_credit_cards,
...(1)>                       attributes: %{User => [:email]} )
 "data" => %{
   "attributes" => %{
     "email" => ""
   "id" => 1,
   "relationships" => %{
     "credit-cards" => %{
       "data" => [
         %{"id" => 456, "type" => "credit_cards"},
         %{"id" => 789, "type" => "credit_cards"}
   "type" => "users",
   "links" => %{
     "credit-cards" => "/users/1/credit_cards",
     "events" => "/users/1/events"
 "included" => [
     "attributes" => %{
       "cvv" => "321",
       "expiration-date" => "2018-02",
       "number" => "4444 4444 4444 4444",
       "user-id" => 1
     "id" => 456,
     "relationships" => %{"user" => %{"data" => %{"id" => 1, "type" => "users"}}},
     "links" => %{"user" => "/users/1"},
     "type" => "credit_cards"
     "attributes" => %{
       "cvv" => "234",
       "expiration-date" => "2018-02",
       "number" => "5555 5555 5555 5555",
       "user-id" => 1
     "id" => 789,
     "relationships" => %{"user" => %{"data" => %{"id" => 1, "type" => "users"}}},
     "links" => %{"user" => "/users/1"},
     "type" => "credit_cards"
Link to this function

load(ectos, options) View Source
load([Ecto.Schema], %{required(module()) => [atom()]}) :: map()
load(Ecto.Schema, %{required(module()) => [atom()]}) :: map()