View Source API Reference Ecto MySQL Extras v0.6.3


Documentation for EctoMySQLExtras.

Query active connections.

Query global variables.

Query global status.

InnoDB dirty pages ratio.

Query the size of each index in the Ecto.Repo database.

Query all long running queries.

Output MySQL queries to the requested format.

Output MySQL queries to ASCII format using :table_rex library.

Query all installed plugins.

Query the estimated rows of each table in the Ecto.Repo database.

InnoDB waits for redolog.

Query the total size of indexes for each table in the Ecto.Repo database.

Query the total size of each table in the Ecto.Repo database.

Query the total size of all indexes in the Ecto.Repo database.

Query the total size of each table in the Ecto.Repo database.

Query all unused indexes.

InnoDB waits for checkpoint.

InnoDB waits for redolog.