View Source EctoPostgresJson.Index (ecto_postgres_json v0.1.1)

Provides a json_index/3 function to pass to Ecto migration to handle the creation of JSONb Indexes.

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Returns an index struct that can be given to Ecto.Migration create/1, drop/1, etc.

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json_index(table, columns, opts \\ [])

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Returns an index struct that can be given to Ecto.Migration create/1, drop/1, etc.

Expects the table name as the first argument and the field(s) as the second. The fields can be atoms, representing the JSONb column name, or a list of strings, representing the JSONb column name + JSON attributes to index.



  • :name - the name of the index. Defaults to "#{"idxgin" | "idxginp"}#{table}_#{fields}".
  • :unique - indicates whether the index should be unique. Defaults to false.
  • :concurrently - indicates whether the index should be created/dropped concurrently.
  • :prefix - specify an optional prefix for the index.
  • :where - specify conditions for a partial index.
  • :comment - adds a comment to the index.



With no name provided, the name of the below index defaults to idxginp_products_category:

create json_index("products", :category)

The name can also be set explicitly:

create json_index("products", :category, name: :my_special_name)

With no name provided, the name of the below index defaults to idxgin_products_category_tags:

create json_index("products", ["category", "tags"])

Partial indexes are created by specifying a :where option, note that you need to use the necessary JSONb expressions:

create json_index(
  where: "email_provider #>> '{email_provider,google,smtp_host}' = ''",
  name: :gmail_provider_index