View Source mix ecto.rollback (Ecto SQL v3.11.2)

Reverts applied migrations in the given repository.

Migrations are expected at "priv/YOUR_REPO/migrations" directory of the current application, where "YOUR_REPO" is the last segment in your repository name. For example, the repository MyApp.Repo will use "priv/repo/migrations". The repository Whatever.MyRepo will use "priv/my_repo/migrations".

You can configure a repository to use another directory by specifying the :priv key under the repository configuration. The "migrations" part will be automatically appended to it. For instance, to use "priv/custom_repo/migrations":

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo, priv: "priv/custom_repo"

This task rolls back the last applied migration by default. To roll back to a version number, supply --to version_number. To roll back a specific number of times, use --step n. To undo all applied migrations, provide --all.

The repositories to rollback are the ones specified under the :ecto_repos option in the current app configuration. However, if the -r option is given, it replaces the :ecto_repos config.

If a repository has not yet been started, one will be started outside your application supervision tree and shutdown afterwards.


$ mix ecto.rollback
$ mix ecto.rollback -r Custom.Repo

$ mix ecto.rollback -n 3
$ mix ecto.rollback --step 3

$ mix ecto.rollback --to 20080906120000

Command line options

  • --all - run all pending migrations

  • --log-migrations-sql - log SQL generated by migration commands

  • --log-migrator-sql - log SQL generated by the migrator, such as transactions, table locks, etc

  • --log-level (since v3.11.0) - the level to set for Logger. This task does not start your application, so whatever level you have configured in your config files will not be used. If this is not provided, no level will be set, so that if you set it yourself before calling this task then this won't interfere. Can be any of the Logger.level/0 levels

  • --migrations-path - the path to load the migrations from, defaults to "priv/repo/migrations". This option may be given multiple times in which case the migrations are loaded from all the given directories and sorted as if they were in the same one

  • --no-compile - does not compile applications before migrating

  • --no-deps-check - does not check dependencies before migrating

  • --pool-size - the pool size if the repository is started only for the task (defaults to 2)

  • --prefix - the prefix to run migrations on

  • --quiet - do not log migration commands

  • -r, --repo - the repo to migrate

  • --step, -n - revert n migrations

  • --strict-version-order - abort when applying a migration with old timestamp (otherwise it emits a warning)

  • --to - revert all migrations down to and including version

  • --to-exclusive - revert all migrations down to and excluding version