
You're seeing just the function table, go back to Ecto.Migration module for more information.

Returns a table struct that can be given to create/2, alter/2, drop/1, etc.


create table("products") do
  add :name, :string
  add :price, :decimal

drop table("products")

create table("products", primary_key: false) do
  add :name, :string
  add :price, :decimal


  • :primary_key - when false, a primary key field is not generated on table creation.
  • :engine - customizes the table storage for supported databases. For MySQL, the default is InnoDB.
  • :prefix - the prefix for the table. This prefix will automatically be used for all constraints and references defined for this table unless explicitly overridden in said constraints/references.
  • :options - provide custom options that will be appended after the generated statement. For example, "WITH", "INHERITS", or "ON COMMIT" clauses.