
You're seeing just the function up, go back to Ecto.Migrator module for more information.
Link to this function

up(repo, version, module, opts \\ [])

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up(Ecto.Repo.t(), integer(), module(), Keyword.t()) :: :ok | :already_up

Runs an up migration on the given repository.


  • :log - the level to use for logging of migration instructions. Defaults to :info. Can be any of Logger.level/0 values or a boolean.
  • :log_sql - the level to use for logging of SQL instructions. Defaults to false. Can be any of Logger.level/0 values or a boolean.
  • :prefix - the prefix to run the migrations on
  • :dynamic_repo - the name of the Repo supervisor process. See Ecto.Repo.put_dynamic_repo/1.
  • :strict_version_order - abort when applying a migration with old timestamp