Module eenv

Function Index

get/2Returns the value of configuration parameter Par for Application.
get/3Works like get/2 but Returns value Default when configuration parameter Par does not exist.
load/1Loads the application configuration for an application into the beam.
set/2Works like set/3.
set/3Sets the value of configuration parameter Par for Application.
set/4Sets the value of configuration parameter Par for Application.
unload/1Deletes the application configuration beam file.
unset/2Removes the configuration parameter Par and its value for Application.
unset/3Removes the configuration parameter Par and its value for Application.

Function Details


get(Application, Par) -> undefined | unloaded | {ok, Val}

Returns the value of configuration parameter Par for Application. Returns undefined if the configuration parameter does not exist: Returns unloaded if application is not loaded by eenv.


get(Application, Par, Default) -> Val

Works like get/2 but Returns value Default when configuration parameter Par does not exist. Returns application:get_env(App, Par, Default) when application is not loaded by eenv.


load(Applications) -> ok

Loads the application configuration for an application into the beam.


set(Application, List) -> ok

Works like set/3. with setting in batches.


set(Application, Par, Val) -> ok

Sets the value of configuration parameter Par for Application. Same as application:get_env/3. Use this function only if you know what you are doing, that is, on your own applications. It is very application-dependent and configuration parameter-dependent when and how often the value is read by the application. Careless use of this function can put the application in a weird, inconsistent, and malfunctioning state.


set(Application, Par, Val, Opt) -> ok

Sets the value of configuration parameter Par for Application. Same as application:set_env/4.


unload(App) -> any()

Deletes the application configuration beam file.


unset(Application, Pars) -> ok

Removes the configuration parameter Par and its value for Application. Same as application:unset_env(Application, Par).


unset(Application, Pars, Opt) -> ok

Removes the configuration parameter Par and its value for Application. Same as application:unset_env(Application, Par, Opt).

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