Module egithub_json

This module defines a behavior that needs to be implemented using a specific JSON encoding/decoding library.


This module defines a behavior that needs to be implemented using a specific JSON encoding/decoding library. The module implementing the behavior that will be used is determined by this application's json configuration value.

Data Types


json() = binary() | number() | null | boolean() | #{binary() | atom() => json()} | [json()]

Function Index

decode/1Decodes the JSON value as iodata() using the specified implementation module found in the egithub application json env variable.
encode/1Encodes the json() value using the specified implementation module found in the egithub application json env variable.

Function Details


decode(Map::iodata()) -> json()

Decodes the JSON value as iodata() using the specified implementation module found in the egithub application json env variable. The default implementation module is egithub_jiffy.


encode(Map::json()) -> binary()

Encodes the json() value using the specified implementation module found in the egithub application json env variable. The default implementation module is egithub_jiffy.

Generated by EDoc, May 17 2016, 14:51:38.