View Source ElasticsearchEx.API.Document (Elasticsearch_ex v1.8.3)

Provides the APIs for the single document operations.



Adds a JSON document to the specified data stream or index and makes it searchable.

Removes a JSON document from the specified index.

Checks if the specified JSON document from an index exists.

Retrieves the specified JSON document from an index.

Retrieves multiple JSON documents by ID.

Retrieves multiple JSON documents by ID.

Adds a JSON document to the specified data stream or index and makes it searchable. If the target is an index and the document already exists, the request updates the document and increments its version.

Retrieves multiple JSON documents by ID.

Updates a document using the specified script.



@type document_id() :: ElasticsearchEx.document_id()


@type index() :: ElasticsearchEx.index()


@type opts() :: ElasticsearchEx.opts()


@type source() :: ElasticsearchEx.source()


create(source, index, document_id, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec create(source(), index(), document_id(), opts()) :: ElasticsearchEx.response()

Adds a JSON document to the specified data stream or index and makes it searchable.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.

Request body

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the body values.


iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.create(
...>   %{
...>     "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
...>     message: "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
...>     user: %{id: "kimchy"}
...>   },
...>   index: "my-index-000001",
...>   id: "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta"
...> )
   "_id" => "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta",
   "_index" => "my-index-000001",
   "_primary_term" => 1,
   "_seq_no" => 0,
   "_shards" => %{"failed" => 0, "successful" => 2, "total" => 2},
   "_version" => 1,
   "result" => "created"

delete(index, document_id, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec delete(index(), document_id(), opts()) :: ElasticsearchEx.response()

Removes a JSON document from the specified index.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.


iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.delete(index: "my-index-000001", id: "0")
   "_id" => "0",
   "_index" => "my-index-000001",
   "_primary_term" => 3,
   "_seq_no" => 6,
   "_shards" => %{"failed" => 0, "successful" => 1, "total" => 2},
   "_version" => 2,
   "result" => "deleted"

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.delete(index: "my-index-000001", id: "1")
   reason: "Document with ID: `1` not found",
   root_cause: nil,
   status: 404,
   type: "not_found",

exists?(index, document_id, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec exists?(index(), document_id(), opts()) :: boolean()

Checks if the specified JSON document from an index exists.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.


iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.exists?(index: "my-index-000001", id: "0")

get(index, document_id, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)

Retrieves the specified JSON document from an index.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.


iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.get(index: "my-index-000001", id: "0")
   "_id" => "0",
   "_index" => "my-index-000001",
   "_primary_term" => 1,
   "_seq_no" => 0,
   "_source" => %{
     "@timestamp" => "2099-11-15T14:12:12",
     "http" => %{
       "request" => %{"method" => "get"},
       "response" => %{"bytes" => 1070000, "status_code" => 200},
       "version" => "1.1"
     "message" => "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
     "source" => %{"ip" => ""},
     "user" => %{"id" => "kimchy"}
   "_version" => 1,
   "found" => true

get_docs(documents, index \\ nil, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec get_docs([map()], nil | index(), opts()) :: ElasticsearchEx.response()

Retrieves multiple JSON documents by ID.

The argument documents expects a List of Map where the key :_id is required and the key :_index is required if the argument index is nil. It uses as body: {"docs": [{"_id": "id1"}, {"_id": "id2"}]}.

Only the following keys: :_index, :_id, :_source, :_stored_fields and :routing are allowed in the Map.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.


Query with only IDs (the option index is required):

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.get_docs([
...>   %{_index: "my-index-000001", _id: "ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-", _source: false},
...>   %{_index: "my-index-000001", _id: "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"}
...> ])
   "docs" => [
       "_id" => "ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "_primary_term" => 2,
       "_seq_no" => 0,
       "_version" => 1,
       "found" => true
       "_id" => "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "found" => false

get_ids(document_ids, index, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec get_ids([document_id()], index(), opts()) :: ElasticsearchEx.response()

Retrieves multiple JSON documents by ID.

The argument document_ids expects a List of binary. It uses as body: {"ids": ["id1", "id2"]}.

It raises an exception if the argument index is nil.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.


iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.get_ids(["ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-", "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"], nil)
** (ArgumentError) the argument `index` cannot be `nil`

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.get_ids(["ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-", "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"], "my-index-000001")
   "docs" => [
       "_id" => "ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "_primary_term" => 2,
       "_seq_no" => 0,
       "_version" => 1,
       "found" => true
       "_id" => "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "found" => false

index(source, index, document_id \\ nil, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec index(source(), index(), nil | document_id(), opts()) ::

Adds a JSON document to the specified data stream or index and makes it searchable. If the target is an index and the document already exists, the request updates the document and increments its version.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.

Request body

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the body values.


Without a specific document ID:

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.index(
...>   %{
...>     "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
...>     message: "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
...>     user: %{id: "kimchy"}
...>   },
...>   index: "my-index-000001"
...> )
   "_id" => "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta",
   "_index" => "my-index-000001",
   "_primary_term" => 1,
   "_seq_no" => 0,
   "_shards" => %{"failed" => 0, "successful" => 2, "total" => 2},
   "_version" => 1,
   "result" => "created"

With a specific document ID:

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.index(
...>   %{
...>     "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
...>     message: "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
...>     user: %{id: "kimchy"}
...>   },
...>   index: "my-index-000001",
...>   id: "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta"
...> )
   "_id" => "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta",
   "_index" => "my-index-000001",
   "_primary_term" => 1,
   "_seq_no" => 0,
   "_shards" => %{"failed" => 0, "successful" => 2, "total" => 2},
   "_version" => 1,
   "result" => "created"

multi_get(values, index \\ nil, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec multi_get(list(), nil | index(), opts()) :: ElasticsearchEx.response()

Retrieves multiple JSON documents by ID.

It checks if the values are a list of binary and calls get_ids/3 or a list of map and calls get_docs/3.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.


Uses get_docs/3:

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.multi_get(
...>   [
...>     %{_index: "my-index-000001", _id: "ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-", _source: false},
...>     %{_index: "my-index-000001", _id: "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"}
...>   ],
...>   "my-index-000001",
...>   _source: false
...> )
   "docs" => [
       "_id" => "ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "_primary_term" => 2,
       "_seq_no" => 0,
       "_version" => 1,
       "found" => true
       "_id" => "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "found" => false

Uses get_ids/3:

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.multi_get(
...>   ["ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-", "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"],
...>   "my-index-000001",
...>   _source: false
...> )
   "docs" => [
       "_id" => "ArSqnI4BpDBWjw9UsTk-",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "_primary_term" => 2,
       "_seq_no" => 0,
       "_version" => 1,
       "found" => true
       "_id" => "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5",
       "_index" => "my-index-000001",
       "found" => false

Raises an exception if not a list of map or a list of binary:

iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.multi_get([{"my-index-000001", "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"}, "my-index-000001"])
** (ArgumentError) invalid value, expected a list of maps or document IDs, got: `[{"my-index-000001", "BrS8nI4BpDBWjw9UUTk5"}, "my-index-000001"]`

update(source, index, document_id, opts \\ [])

(since 1.0.0)
@spec update(source(), index(), document_id(), opts()) :: ElasticsearchEx.response()

Updates a document using the specified script.

Query parameters

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the parameters.

Request body

Refer to the official documentation for a detailed list of the body values.


iex> ElasticsearchEx.API.Document.update(
...>   %{
...>     script: %{
...>       source: "ctx._source.message = params.message",
...>       lang: "painless",
...>       params: %{message: "Bye World"}
...>     }
...>   },
...>   index: "my-index-000001",
...>   id: "0"
...> )
   "_id" => "0",
   "_index" => "my-index-000001",
   "_primary_term" => 1,
   "_seq_no" => 1,
   "_version" => 2,
   "_shards" => %{"failed" => 0, "successful" => 1, "total" => 1},
   "result" => "updated"