Elixir v1.1.0 Inspect.Opts

Defines the Inspect.Opts used by the Inspect protocol.

The following fields are available:

  • :structs - when false, structs are not formatted by the inspect protocol, they are instead printed as maps, defaults to true.

  • :binaries - when :as_strings all binaries will be printed as strings, non-printable bytes will be escaped.

    When :as_binaries all binaries will be printed in bit syntax.

    When the default :infer, the binary will be printed as a string if it is printable, otherwise in bit syntax.

  • :char_lists - when :as_char_lists all lists will be printed as char lists, non-printable elements will be escaped.

    When :as_lists all lists will be printed as lists.

    When the default :infer, the list will be printed as a char list if it is printable, otherwise as list.

  • :limit - limits the number of items that are printed for tuples, bitstrings, and lists, does not apply to strings nor char lists, defaults to 50.

  • :pretty - if set to true enables pretty printing, defaults to false.

  • :width - defaults to the 80 characters, used when pretty is true or when printing to IO devices.

  • :base - print integers as :binary, :octal, :decimal, or :hex, defaults to :decimal

  • :safe - when false, failures while inspecting structs will be raised as errors instead of being wrapped in the Inspect.Error exception. This is useful when debugging failures and crashes for custom inspect implementations



t :: %Inspect.Opts{structs: boolean, binaries: :infer | :as_binaries | :as_strings, char_lists: :infer | :as_lists | :as_char_lists, limit: pos_integer | :infinity, width: pos_integer | :infinity, base: :decimal | :binary | :hex | :octal, pretty: boolean, safe: boolean}