View Source Process (Elixir v1.15.0)

Conveniences for working with processes and the process dictionary.

Besides the functions available in this module, the Kernel module exposes and auto-imports some basic functionality related to processes available through the following functions:

While this module provides low-level conveniences to work with processes, developers typically use abstractions such as Agent, GenServer, Registry, Supervisor and Task for building their systems and resort to this module for gathering information, trapping exits, links and monitoring.



Aliases are a feature introduced in Erlang/OTP 24. An alias is a way to refer to a PID in order to send messages to it. The advantage of using aliases is that they can be deactivated even if the aliased process is still running. If you send a message to a deactivated alias, nothing will happen. This makes request/response scenarios easier to implement.

You can use alias/0 or alias/1 to set an alias, and then you can send messages to that alias like you do with PIDs using send/2. To deactivate an alias, you can use unalias/1. If you send a message to a deactivated alias, nothing will happen.

For example, you could have a process that listens for :ping messages:

def server do
  receive do
    {:ping, source_alias} ->
      send(source_alias, :pong)

Now, another process might ping this process:

server = spawn(&server/0)

source_alias = Process.alias()
send(server, {:ping, source_alias})

receive do
  :pong -> :pong
#=> :pong

If now you deactivate the source_alias and ping the server again, you won't receive any response since the server will send/2 the :pong response to a deactivated alias.

send(server, {:ping, source_alias})

receive do
  :pong -> :pong
  1000 -> :timeout
#=> :timeout

See also the Process Aliases section of the Erlang reference manual.

Link to this section Summary


An alias returned by alias/0 or alias/1.

A process destination.


Creates a process alias.

Creates a process alias.

Tells whether the given process is alive on the local node.

Deletes the given key from the process dictionary.

Demonitors the monitor identified by the given reference.

Sends an exit signal with the given reason to pid.

Sets the given flag to value for the calling process.

Sets the given flag to value for the given process pid.

Returns all key-value pairs in the process dictionary.

Returns the value for the given key in the process dictionary, or default if key is not set.

Returns all keys in the process dictionary.

Returns all keys in the process dictionary that have the given value.

Returns the PID of the group leader for the calling process.

Sets the group leader of the given pid to leader.

Puts the calling process into a "hibernation" state.

Returns information about the process identified by pid, or returns nil if the process is not alive.

Returns information about the process identified by pid, or returns nil if the process is not alive.

Creates a link between the calling process and the given item (process or port).

Returns a list of PIDs corresponding to all the processes currently existing on the local node.

Starts monitoring the given item from the calling process.

Starts monitoring the given item from the calling process.

Stores the given key-value pair in the process dictionary.

Reads a timer created by send_after/3.

Registers the given pid_or_port under the given name.

Returns a list of names which have been registered using register/2.

Sends a message to the given dest.

Sends msg to dest after time milliseconds.

Sleeps the current process for the given timeout.

Spawns the given function according to the given options.

Spawns the given function fun from module mod, passing the given args according to the given options.

Explicitly deactivates a process alias.

Removes the link between the calling process and the given item (process or port).

Removes the registered name, associated with a PID or a port identifier.

Returns the PID or port identifier registered under name or nil if the name is not registered.

Link to this section Types

@type alias() :: reference()

An alias returned by alias/0 or alias/1.

See the module documentation for more information about aliases.

@type alias_opt() :: :explicit_unalias | :reply
@type dest() ::
  | port()
  | (registered_name :: atom())
  | {registered_name :: atom(), node()}

A process destination.

A remote or local PID, a local port, a locally registered name, or a tuple in the form of {registered_name, node} for a registered name at another node.

@type spawn_opt() ::
  | :monitor
  | {:monitor, :erlang.monitor_option()}
  | {:priority, :low | :normal | :high}
  | {:fullsweep_after, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:min_heap_size, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:min_bin_vheap_size, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:max_heap_size, heap_size()}
  | {:message_queue_data, :off_heap | :on_heap}
@type spawn_opts() :: [spawn_opt()]

Link to this section Functions

@spec alias() :: alias()

Creates a process alias.

This is the same as calling alias/1 as alias([:explicit_unalias]). See also :erlang.alias/0.

Inlined by the compiler.



alias = Process.alias()
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@spec alias([alias_opt()]) :: alias()

Creates a process alias.

See the module documentation for more information about aliases. See also :erlang.alias/1.

Inlined by the compiler.



alias = Process.alias([:reply])
@spec alive?(pid()) :: boolean()

Tells whether the given process is alive on the local node.

If the process identified by pid is alive (that is, it's not exiting and has not exited yet) than this function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

pid must refer to a process running on the local node or ArgumentError is raised.

Inlined by the compiler.

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cancel_timer(timer_ref, options \\ [])

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@spec cancel_timer(reference(), options) :: non_neg_integer() | false | :ok
when options: [async: boolean(), info: boolean()]

Cancels a timer returned by send_after/3.

When the result is an integer, it represents the time in milliseconds left until the timer would have expired.

When the result is false, a timer corresponding to timer_ref could not be found. This can happen either because the timer expired, because it has already been canceled, or because timer_ref never corresponded to a timer.

Even if the timer had expired and the message was sent, this function does not tell you if the timeout message has arrived at its destination yet.

Inlined by the compiler.



  • :async - (boolean) when false, the request for cancellation is synchronous. When true, the request for cancellation is asynchronous, meaning that the request to cancel the timer is issued and :ok is returned right away. Defaults to false.

  • :info - (boolean) whether to return information about the timer being cancelled. When the :async option is false and :info is true, then either an integer or false (like described above) is returned. If :async is false and :info is false, :ok is returned. If :async is true and :info is true, a message in the form {:cancel_timer, timer_ref, result} (where result is an integer or false like described above) is sent to the caller of this function when the cancellation has been performed. If :async is true and :info is false, no message is sent. Defaults to true.

@spec delete(term()) :: term() | nil

Deletes the given key from the process dictionary.

Returns the value that was under key in the process dictionary, or nil if key was not stored in the process dictionary.



iex> Process.put(:comments, ["comment", "other comment"])
iex> Process.delete(:comments)
["comment", "other comment"]
iex> Process.delete(:comments)
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demonitor(monitor_ref, options \\ [])

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@spec demonitor(reference(), options :: [:flush | :info]) :: boolean()

Demonitors the monitor identified by the given reference.

If monitor_ref is a reference which the calling process obtained by calling monitor/1, that monitoring is turned off. If the monitoring is already turned off, nothing happens.

See :erlang.demonitor/2 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.



pid = spawn(fn -> 1 + 2 end)
ref = Process.monitor(pid)
#=> true
@spec exit(pid(), term()) :: true

Sends an exit signal with the given reason to pid.

The following behaviour applies if reason is any term except :normal or :kill:

  1. If pid is not trapping exits, pid will exit with the given reason.

  2. If pid is trapping exits, the exit signal is transformed into a message {:EXIT, from, reason} and delivered to the message queue of pid.

If reason is the atom :normal, pid will not exit (unless pid is the calling process, in which case it will exit with the reason :normal). If it is trapping exits, the exit signal is transformed into a message {:EXIT, from, :normal} and delivered to its message queue.

If reason is the atom :kill, that is if Process.exit(pid, :kill) is called, an untrappable exit signal is sent to pid which will unconditionally exit with reason :killed.

Inlined by the compiler.



Process.exit(pid, :kill)
#=> true
@spec flag(:error_handler, module()) :: module()
@spec flag(:max_heap_size, heap_size()) :: heap_size()
@spec flag(:message_queue_data, :off_heap | :on_heap) :: :off_heap | :on_heap
@spec flag(:min_bin_vheap_size, non_neg_integer()) :: non_neg_integer()
@spec flag(:min_heap_size, non_neg_integer()) :: non_neg_integer()
@spec flag(:priority, priority_level()) :: priority_level()
@spec flag(:save_calls, 0..10000) :: 0..10000
@spec flag(:sensitive, boolean()) :: boolean()
@spec flag(:trap_exit, boolean()) :: boolean()

Sets the given flag to value for the calling process.

Returns the old value of flag.

See :erlang.process_flag/2 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.

@spec flag(pid(), :save_calls, 0..10000) :: 0..10000

Sets the given flag to value for the given process pid.

Returns the old value of flag.

It raises ArgumentError if pid is not a local process.

The allowed values for flag are only a subset of those allowed in flag/2, namely :save_calls.

See :erlang.process_flag/3 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.

@spec get() :: [{term(), term()}]

Returns all key-value pairs in the process dictionary.

Inlined by the compiler.

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get(key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get(term(), default :: term()) :: term()

Returns the value for the given key in the process dictionary, or default if key is not set.



# Assuming :locale was not set
iex> Process.get(:locale, "pt")
iex> Process.put(:locale, "fr")
iex> Process.get(:locale, "pt")
@spec get_keys() :: [term()]

Returns all keys in the process dictionary.

Inlined by the compiler.



# Assuming :locale was not set
iex> :locale in Process.get_keys()
iex> Process.put(:locale, "pt")
iex> :locale in Process.get_keys()
@spec get_keys(term()) :: [term()]

Returns all keys in the process dictionary that have the given value.

Inlined by the compiler.

@spec group_leader() :: pid()

Returns the PID of the group leader for the calling process.

Inlined by the compiler.



#=> #PID<0.53.0>
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group_leader(pid, leader)

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@spec group_leader(pid(), leader :: pid()) :: true

Sets the group leader of the given pid to leader.

Typically, this is used when a process started from a certain shell should have a group leader other than :init.

Inlined by the compiler.

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hibernate(mod, fun_name, args)

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@spec hibernate(module(), atom(), list()) :: no_return()

Puts the calling process into a "hibernation" state.

The calling process is put into a waiting state where its memory allocation has been reduced as much as possible, which is useful if the process does not expect to receive any messages in the near future.

See :erlang.hibernate/3 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.

@spec info(pid()) :: keyword() | nil

Returns information about the process identified by pid, or returns nil if the process is not alive.

Use this only for debugging information.

See :erlang.process_info/1 for more information.

@spec info(pid(), atom() | [atom()]) :: {atom(), term()} | [{atom(), term()}] | nil

Returns information about the process identified by pid, or returns nil if the process is not alive.

See :erlang.process_info/2 for more information.

@spec link(pid() | port()) :: true

Creates a link between the calling process and the given item (process or port).

Links are bidirectional. Linked processes can be unlinked by using unlink/1.

If such a link exists already, this function does nothing since there can only be one link between two given processes. If a process tries to create a link to itself, nothing will happen.

When two processes are linked, each one receives exit signals from the other (see also exit/2). Let's assume pid1 and pid2 are linked. If pid2 exits with a reason other than :normal (which is also the exit reason used when a process finishes its job) and pid1 is not trapping exits (see flag/2), then pid1 will exit with the same reason as pid2 and in turn emit an exit signal to all its other linked processes. The behaviour when pid1 is trapping exits is described in exit/2.

See for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.

@spec list() :: [pid()]

Returns a list of PIDs corresponding to all the processes currently existing on the local node.

Note that if a process is exiting, it is considered to exist but not be alive. This means that for such process, alive?/1 will return false but its PID will be part of the list of PIDs returned by this function.

See :erlang.processes/0 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.



#=> [#PID<0.0.0>, #PID<0.1.0>, #PID<0.2.0>, #PID<0.3.0>, ...]
@spec monitor(pid() | {name, node()} | name) :: reference() when name: atom()

Starts monitoring the given item from the calling process.

Once the monitored process dies, a message is delivered to the monitoring process in the shape of:

{:DOWN, ref, :process, object, reason}


  • ref is a monitor reference returned by this function;
  • object is either a pid of the monitored process (if monitoring a PID) or {name, node} (if monitoring a remote or local name);
  • reason is the exit reason.

If the process is already dead when calling Process.monitor/1, a :DOWN message is delivered immediately.

See "The need for monitoring" for an example. See :erlang.monitor/2 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.



pid = spawn(fn -> 1 + 2 end)
#=> #PID<0.118.0>
#=> #Reference<0.906660723.3006791681.40191>
Process.exit(pid, :kill)
#=> true
receive do
  msg -> msg
#=> {:DOWN, #Reference<0.906660723.3006791681.40191>, :process, #PID<0.118.0>, :noproc}
Link to this function

monitor(item, options)

View Source (since 1.15.0)
@spec monitor(pid() | {name, node()} | name, [:erlang.monitor_option()]) ::
when name: atom()

Starts monitoring the given item from the calling process.

This function is similar to monitor/1, but accepts options to customize how item is monitored. See :erlang.monitor/3 for documentation on those options.

Inlined by the compiler.



pid =
  spawn(fn ->
    receive do
      {:ping, source_alias} -> send(source_alias, :pong)
#=> #PID<0.118.0>

ref_and_alias = Process.monitor(pid, alias: :reply_demonitor)
#=> #Reference<0.906660723.3006791681.40191>

send(pid, {:ping, ref_and_alias})

receive do: msg -> msg
#=> :pong

receive do: msg -> msg
#=> {:DOWN, #Reference<0.906660723.3006791681.40191>, :process, #PID<0.118.0>, :noproc}
@spec put(term(), term()) :: term() | nil

Stores the given key-value pair in the process dictionary.

The return value of this function is the value that was previously stored under key, or nil in case no value was stored under it.



# Assuming :locale was not set
iex> Process.put(:locale, "en")
iex> Process.put(:locale, "fr")
@spec read_timer(reference()) :: non_neg_integer() | false

Reads a timer created by send_after/3.

When the result is an integer, it represents the time in milliseconds left until the timer will expire.

When the result is false, a timer corresponding to timer_ref could not be found. This can be either because the timer expired, because it has already been canceled, or because timer_ref never corresponded to a timer.

Even if the timer had expired and the message was sent, this function does not tell you if the timeout message has arrived at its destination yet.

Inlined by the compiler.

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register(pid_or_port, name)

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@spec register(pid() | port(), atom()) :: true

Registers the given pid_or_port under the given name.

name must be an atom and can then be used instead of the PID/port identifier when sending messages with Kernel.send/2.

register/2 will fail with ArgumentError in any of the following cases:

  • the PID/Port is not existing locally and alive
  • the name is already registered
  • the pid_or_port is already registered under a different name

The following names are reserved and cannot be assigned to processes nor ports:

  • nil
  • false
  • true
  • :undefined



Process.register(self(), :test)
#=> true
send(:test, :hello)
#=> :hello
send(:wrong_name, :hello)
** (ArgumentError) argument error
@spec registered() :: [atom()]

Returns a list of names which have been registered using register/2.

Inlined by the compiler.



Process.register(self(), :test)
#=> [:test, :elixir_config, :inet_db, ...]
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send(dest, msg, options)

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@spec send(dest, msg, [option]) :: :ok | :noconnect | :nosuspend
when dest: dest(), msg: any(), option: :noconnect | :nosuspend

Sends a message to the given dest.

dest may be a remote or local PID, a local port, a locally registered name, or a tuple in the form of {registered_name, node} for a registered name at another node.

Inlined by the compiler.



  • :noconnect - when used, if sending the message would require an auto-connection to another node the message is not sent and :noconnect is returned.

  • :nosuspend - when used, if sending the message would cause the sender to be suspended the message is not sent and :nosuspend is returned.

Otherwise the message is sent and :ok is returned.



iex> Process.send({:name, :node_that_does_not_exist}, :hi, [:noconnect])
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send_after(dest, msg, time, opts \\ [])

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@spec send_after(pid() | atom(), term(), non_neg_integer(), [option]) :: reference()
when option: {:abs, boolean()}

Sends msg to dest after time milliseconds.

If dest is a PID, it must be the PID of a local process, dead or alive. If dest is an atom, it must be the name of a registered process which is looked up at the time of delivery. No error is produced if the name does not refer to a process.

The message is not sent immediately. Therefore, dest can receive other messages in-between even when time is 0.

This function returns a timer reference, which can be read with read_timer/1 or canceled with cancel_timer/1.

The timer will be automatically canceled if the given dest is a PID which is not alive or when the given PID exits. Note that timers will not be automatically canceled when dest is an atom (as the atom resolution is done on delivery).

Inlined by the compiler.



  • :abs - (boolean) when false, time is treated as relative to the current monotonic time. When true, time is the absolute value of the Erlang monotonic time at which msg should be delivered to dest. To read more about Erlang monotonic time and other time-related concepts, look at the documentation for the System module. Defaults to false.



timer_ref = Process.send_after(pid, :hi, 1000)
@spec sleep(timeout()) :: :ok

Sleeps the current process for the given timeout.

timeout is either the number of milliseconds to sleep as an integer or the atom :infinity. When :infinity is given, the current process will sleep forever, and not consume or reply to messages.

Use this function with extreme care. For almost all situations where you would use sleep/1 in Elixir, there is likely a more correct, faster and precise way of achieving the same with message passing.

For example, if you are waiting for a process to perform some action, it is better to communicate the progress of such action with messages.

In other words, do not:

Task.start_link(fn ->

# Wait until work is done

But do:

parent = self()

Task.start_link(fn ->
  send(parent, :work_is_done)

receive do
  :work_is_done -> :ok
  # Optional timeout
  30_000 -> :timeout

For cases like the one above, Task.async/1 and Task.await/2 are preferred.

Similarly, if you are waiting for a process to terminate, monitor that process instead of sleeping. Do not:

Task.start_link(fn ->

# Wait until task terminates

Instead do:

{:ok, pid} =
  Task.start_link(fn ->

ref = Process.monitor(pid)

receive do
  {:DOWN, ^ref, _, _, _} -> :task_is_down
  # Optional timeout
  30_000 -> :timeout
@spec spawn((-> any()), spawn_opts()) :: pid() | {pid(), reference()}

Spawns the given function according to the given options.

The result depends on the given options. In particular, if :monitor is given as an option, it will return a tuple containing the PID and the monitoring reference, otherwise just the spawned process PID.

More options are available; for the comprehensive list of available options check :erlang.spawn_opt/4.

Inlined by the compiler.



Process.spawn(fn -> 1 + 2 end, [:monitor])
#=> {#PID<0.93.0>, #Reference<0.18808174.1939079169.202418>}
Process.spawn(fn -> 1 + 2 end, [:link])
#=> #PID<0.95.0>
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spawn(mod, fun, args, opts)

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@spec spawn(module(), atom(), list(), spawn_opts()) :: pid() | {pid(), reference()}

Spawns the given function fun from module mod, passing the given args according to the given options.

The result depends on the given options. In particular, if :monitor is given as an option, it will return a tuple containing the PID and the monitoring reference, otherwise just the spawned process PID.

It also accepts extra options, for the list of available options check :erlang.spawn_opt/4.

Inlined by the compiler.

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View Source (since 1.15.0)
@spec unalias(alias()) :: boolean()

Explicitly deactivates a process alias.

Returns true if alias was a currently-active alias for current processes, or false otherwise.

See the module documentation for more information about aliases. See also :erlang.unalias/1.

Inlined by the compiler.



alias = Process.alias()
#=> true
@spec unlink(pid() | port()) :: true

Removes the link between the calling process and the given item (process or port).

If there is no such link, this function does nothing. If pid_or_port does not exist, this function does not produce any errors and simply does nothing.

The return value of this function is always true.

See :erlang.unlink/1 for more information.

Inlined by the compiler.

@spec unregister(atom()) :: true

Removes the registered name, associated with a PID or a port identifier.

Fails with ArgumentError if the name is not registered to any PID or port.

Inlined by the compiler.



Process.register(self(), :test)
#=> true
#=> true
** (ArgumentError) argument error
@spec whereis(atom()) :: pid() | port() | nil

Returns the PID or port identifier registered under name or nil if the name is not registered.

See :erlang.whereis/1 for more information.



Process.register(self(), :test)
#=> #PID<0.84.0>
#=> nil