View Source Range (Elixir v1.15.5)

Ranges represent a sequence of zero, one or many, ascending or descending integers with a common difference called step.

The most common form of creating and matching on ranges is via the first..last and first..last//step notations, auto-imported from Kernel:

iex> 1 in 1..10
iex> 5 in 1..10
iex> 10 in 1..10

Ranges are always inclusive in Elixir. When a step is defined, integers will only belong to the range if they match the step:

iex> 5 in 1..10//2
iex> 4 in 1..10//2

When defining a range without a step, the step will be defined based on the first and last position of the range, If last >= first, it will be an increasing range with a step of 1. Otherwise, it is a decreasing range. Note, however, implicit decreasing ranges are deprecated. Therefore, if you need a decreasing range from 3 to 1, prefer to write 3..1//-1 instead.

../0 can also be used as a shortcut to create the range 0..-1//1, also known as the full-slice range:

iex> ..

Use cases

Ranges typically have two uses in Elixir: as a collection or to represent a slice of another data structure.

Ranges as collections

Ranges in Elixir are enumerables and therefore can be used with the Enum module:

iex> Enum.to_list(1..3)
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.to_list(3..1//-1)
[3, 2, 1]
iex> Enum.to_list(1..5//2)
[1, 3, 5]

Ranges may also have a single element:

iex> Enum.to_list(1..1)
iex> Enum.to_list(1..1//2)

Or even no elements at all:

iex> Enum.to_list(10..0//1)
iex> Enum.to_list(0..10//-1)

The full-slice range, returned by ../0, is an empty collection:

iex> Enum.to_list(..)

Ranges as slices

Ranges are also frequently used to slice collections. You can slice strings or any enumerable:

iex> String.slice("elixir", 1..4)
iex> Enum.slice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1..4)
[1, 2, 3, 4]

In those cases, the first and last values of the range are mapped to positions in the collections.

If a negative number is given, it maps to a position from the back:

iex> String.slice("elixir", 1..-2//1)
iex> Enum.slice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1..-2//1)
[1, 2, 3, 4]

The range 0..-1//1, returned by ../0, returns the collection as is, which is why it is called the full-slice range:

iex> String.slice("elixir", ..)
iex> Enum.slice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ..)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


An increasing range first..last//step is a range from first to last increasing by step where step must be a positive integer and all values v must be first <= v and v <= last. Therefore, a range 10..0//1 is an empty range because there is no value v that is 10 <= v and v <= 0.

Similarly, a decreasing range first..last//step is a range from first to last decreasing by step where step must be a negative integer and values v must be first >= v and v >= last. Therefore, a range 0..10//-1 is an empty range because there is no value v that is 0 >= v and v >= 10.


Internally, ranges are represented as structs:

iex> range = 1..9//2
iex> first..last//step = range
iex> first
iex> last
iex> step
iex> range.step

You can access the range fields (first, last, and step) directly but you should not modify nor create ranges by hand. Instead use the proper operators or new/2 and new/3.

Ranges implement the Enumerable protocol with memory efficient versions of all Enumerable callbacks:

iex> range = 1..10
iex> Enum.reduce(range, 0, fn i, acc -> i * i + acc end)
iex> Enum.count(range)
iex> Enum.member?(range, 11)
iex> Enum.member?(range, 8)

Such function calls are efficient memory-wise no matter the size of the range. The implementation of the Enumerable protocol uses logic based solely on the endpoints and does not materialize the whole list of integers.



Checks if two ranges are disjoint.

Creates a new range.

Creates a new range with step.

Shifts a range by the given number of steps.

Returns the size of range.

Splits a range in two.

Converts a range to a list.


@type limit() :: integer()
@type step() :: pos_integer() | neg_integer()
@type t() :: %Range{first: limit(), last: limit(), step: step()}
@type t(first, last) :: %Range{first: first, last: last, step: step()}


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disjoint?(range1, range2)

View Source (since 1.8.0)
@spec disjoint?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

Checks if two ranges are disjoint.


iex> Range.disjoint?(1..5, 6..9)
iex> Range.disjoint?(5..1, 6..9)
iex> Range.disjoint?(1..5, 5..9)
iex> Range.disjoint?(1..5, 2..7)

Steps are also considered when computing the ranges to be disjoint:

iex> Range.disjoint?(1..10//2, 2..10//2)

# First element in common is 29
iex> Range.disjoint?(1..100//14, 8..100//21)
iex> Range.disjoint?(57..-1//-14, 8..100//21)
iex> Range.disjoint?(1..100//14, 50..8//-21)
iex> Range.disjoint?(1..28//14, 8..28//21)

# First element in common is 14
iex> Range.disjoint?(2..28//3, 9..28//5)
iex> Range.disjoint?(26..2//-3, 29..9//-5)

# Starting from the back without alignment
iex> Range.disjoint?(27..11//-3, 30..0//-7)
@spec new(limit(), limit()) :: t()

Creates a new range.

If first is less than last, the range will be increasing from first to last. If first is equal to last, the range will contain one element, which is the number itself.

If first is greater than last, the range will be decreasing from first to last, albeit this behaviour is deprecated. Therefore, it is advised to explicitly list the step with new/3.


iex>, 100)
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new(first, last, step)

View Source (since 1.12.0)
@spec new(limit(), limit(), step()) :: t()

Creates a new range with step.


iex>, 100, 2)
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shift(arg, steps_to_shift)

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Shifts a range by the given number of steps.


iex> Range.shift(0..10, 1)
iex> Range.shift(0..10, 2)

iex> Range.shift(0..10//2, 2)
iex> Range.shift(10..0//-2, 2)
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Returns the size of range.


iex> Range.size(1..10)
iex> Range.size(1..10//2)
iex> Range.size(1..10//3)
iex> Range.size(1..10//-1)

iex> Range.size(10..1)
iex> Range.size(10..1//-1)
iex> Range.size(10..1//-2)
iex> Range.size(10..1//-3)
iex> Range.size(10..1//1)
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split(range, split)

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Splits a range in two.

It returns a tuple of two elements.

If split is less than the number of elements in the range, the first element in the range will have split entries and the second will have all remaining entries.

If split is more than the number of elements in the range, the second range in the tuple will emit zero elements.


Increasing ranges:

iex> Range.split(1..5, 2)
{1..2, 3..5}

iex> Range.split(1..5//2, 2)
{1..3//2, 5..5//2}

iex> Range.split(1..5//2, 0)
{1..-1//2, 1..5//2}

iex> Range.split(1..5//2, 10)
{1..5//2, 7..5//2}

Decreasing ranges can also be split:

iex> Range.split(5..1//-1, 2)
{5..4//-1, 3..1//-1}

iex> Range.split(5..1//-2, 2)
{5..3//-2, 1..1//-2}

iex> Range.split(5..1//-2, 0)
{5..7//-2, 5..1//-2}

iex> Range.split(5..1//-2, 10)
{5..1//-2, -1..1//-2}

Empty ranges preserve their property but still return empty ranges:

iex> Range.split(2..5//-1, 2)
{2..3//-1, 4..5//-1}

iex> Range.split(2..5//-1, 10)
{2..3//-1, 4..5//-1}

iex> Range.split(5..2//1, 2)
{5..4//1, 3..2//1}

iex> Range.split(5..2//1, 10)
{5..4//1, 3..2//1}

If the number to split is negative, it splits from the back:

iex> Range.split(1..5, -2)
{1..3, 4..5}

iex> Range.split(5..1//-1, -2)
{5..3//-1, 2..1//-1}

If it is negative and greater than the elements in the range, the first element of the tuple will be an empty range:

iex> Range.split(1..5, -10)
{1..0//1, 1..5}

iex> Range.split(5..1//-1, -10)
{5..6//-1, 5..1//-1}


When a range is split, the following properties are observed. Given split(input) returns {left, right}, we have:

assert input.first == left.first
assert input.last == right.last
assert input.step == left.step
assert input.step == right.step
assert Range.size(input) == Range.size(left) + Range.size(right)
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Converts a range to a list.