View Source case, cond, and if

In this chapter, we will learn about the case, cond, and if control flow structures.


case allows us to compare a value against many patterns until we find a matching one:

iex> case {1, 2, 3} do
...>   {4, 5, 6} ->
...>     "This clause won't match"
...>   {1, x, 3} ->
...>     "This clause will match and bind x to 2 in this clause"
...>   _ ->
...>     "This clause would match any value"
...> end
"This clause will match and bind x to 2 in this clause"

If you want to pattern match against an existing variable, you need to use the ^ operator:

iex> x = 1
iex> case 10 do
...>   ^x -> "Won't match"
...>   _ -> "Will match"
...> end
"Will match"

Clauses also allow extra conditions to be specified via guards:

iex> case {1, 2, 3} do
...>   {1, x, 3} when x > 0 ->
...>     "Will match"
...>   _ ->
...>     "Would match, if guard condition were not satisfied"
...> end
"Will match"

The first clause above will only match when x is positive.

Keep in mind errors in guards do not leak but simply make the guard fail:

iex> hd(1)
** (ArgumentError) argument error
iex> case 1 do
...>   x when hd(x) -> "Won't match"
...>   x -> "Got #{x}"
...> end
"Got 1"

If none of the clauses match, an error is raised:

iex> case :ok do
...>   :error -> "Won't match"
...> end
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: :ok

The documentation for the Kernel module lists all available guards in its sidebar. You can also consult the complete Patterns and Guards reference for in-depth documentation.


case builds on pattern matching and guards to destructure and match on certain conditions. However, patterns and guards are limited only to certain expressions which are optimized by the compiler. In many situations, you need to write conditions that go beyond what can be expressed with case. For those, if/2 (and unless/2) are useful alternatives:

iex> if true do
...>   "This works!"
...> end
"This works!"
iex> unless true do
...>   "This will never be seen"
...> end

If the condition given to if/2 returns false or nil, the body given between do-end is not executed and instead it returns nil. The opposite happens with unless/2.

They also support else blocks (although using else with unless is generally discouraged):

iex> if nil do
...>   "This won't be seen"
...> else
...>   "This will"
...> end
"This will"

This is also a good opportunity to talk about variable scoping in Elixir. If any variable is declared or changed inside if, case, and similar constructs, the declaration and change will only be visible inside the construct. For example:

iex> x = 1
iex> if true do
...>   x = x + 1
...> end
iex> x

In said cases, if you want to change a value, you must return the value from the if:

iex> x = 1
iex> x = if true do
...>   x + 1
...> else
...>   x
...> end

if and unless are macros

An interesting note regarding if/2 and unless/2 is that they are implemented as macros in the language: they aren't special language constructs as they would be in many languages. You can check the documentation and their source for more information.

If you find yourself nesting several if/2 blocks, you may want to consider using cond/1 instead. Let's check it out.


If you need to check across several conditions and find the first one that does not evaluate to nil or false, cond/1 is a useful construct:

iex> cond do
...>   2 + 2 == 5 ->
...>     "This will not be true"
...>   2 * 2 == 3 ->
...>     "Nor this"
...>   1 + 1 == 2 ->
...>     "But this will"
...> end
"But this will"

This is equivalent to else if clauses in many imperative languages - although used less frequently in Elixir.

If all of the conditions return nil or false, an error (CondClauseError) is raised. For this reason, it may be necessary to add a final condition, equal to true, which will always match:

iex> cond do
...>   2 + 2 == 5 ->
...>     "This is never true"
...>   2 * 2 == 3 ->
...>     "Nor this"
...>   true ->
...>     "This is always true (equivalent to else)"
...> end
"This is always true (equivalent to else)"

Similar to if/2 and unless/2, cond considers any value besides nil and false to be true:

iex> cond do
...>   hd([1, 2, 3]) ->
...>     "1 is considered as true"
...> end
"1 is considered as true"

Summing up

We have concluded the introduction to the most fundamental control-flow constructs in Elixir. Generally speaking, Elixir developers prefer pattern matching and guards, using case and function definitions (which we will explore in future chapters), as they are succinct and precise. When your logic cannot be outlined within patterns and guards, you may consider if/2, falling back to cond/1 when there are several conditions to check.