Elixir v1.6.1 Code View Source
Utilities for managing code compilation, code evaluation, and code loading.
This module complements Erlang’s :code
to add behaviour which is specific to Elixir. Almost all of the functions in this module
have global side effects on the behaviour of Elixir.
Link to this section Summary
Appends a path to the end of the Erlang VM code path list
Returns a list with the available compiler options
Compiles the quoted expression
Compiles the given string
Gets the compilation options from the code server
Sets compilation options
Deletes a path from the Erlang VM code path list. This is the list of directories the Erlang VM uses for finding module code
Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded
Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded
Ensures the given module is loaded
Ensures the given module is loaded
Evals the given file
Evaluates the quoted contents
Evaluates the contents given by string
Formats a file
Formats the given code string
Returns the docs for the given module
Loads the given file
Lists all loaded files
Prepends a path to the beginning of the Erlang VM code path list
Requires the given file
Converts the given string to its quoted form
Converts the given string to its quoted form
Removes files from the loaded files list
Link to this section Functions
append_path(Path.t()) :: true | {:error, :bad_directory}
Appends a path to the end of the Erlang VM code path list.
This is the list of directories the Erlang VM uses for finding module code.
The path is expanded with Path.expand/1
before being appended.
If this path does not exist, an error is returned.
#=> true
#=> {:error, :bad_directory}
available_compiler_options() :: [atom()]
Returns a list with the available compiler options.
See compiler_options/1
for more info.
iex> Code.available_compiler_options
[:docs, :debug_info, :ignore_module_conflict, :relative_paths, :warnings_as_errors]
Compiles the quoted expression.
Returns a list of tuples where the first element is the module name and
the second one is its bytecode (as a binary). A file
can be
given as second argument which will be used for reporting warnings
and errors.
compile_string(List.Chars.t(), binary()) :: [{module(), binary()}]
Compiles the given string.
Returns a list of tuples where the first element is the module name
and the second one is its bytecode (as a binary). A file
can be
given as second argument which will be used for reporting warnings
and errors.
For compiling many files at once, check Kernel.ParallelCompiler.compile/2
Gets the compilation options from the code server.
Check compiler_options/1
for more information.
#=> %{debug_info: true, docs: true,
#=> warnings_as_errors: false, ignore_module_conflict: false}
compiler_options(Enumerable.t()) :: %{optional(atom()) => boolean()}
Sets compilation options.
These options are global since they are stored by Elixir’s Code Server.
Available options are:
- whentrue
, retain documentation in the compiled module. Defaults totrue
- whentrue
, retain debug information in the compiled module. This allows a developer to reconstruct the original source code. Defaults tofalse
- whentrue
, override modules that were already defined without raising errors. Defaults tofalse
- whentrue
, use relative paths in quoted nodes, warnings and errors generated by the compiler. Note disabling this option won’t affect runtime warnings and errors. Defaults totrue
- causes compilation to fail when warnings are generated. Defaults tofalse
It returns the new map of compiler options.
Code.compiler_options(debug_info: true)
#=> %{debug_info: true, docs: true,
#=> warnings_as_errors: false, ignore_module_conflict: false}
Deletes a path from the Erlang VM code path list. This is the list of directories the Erlang VM uses for finding module code.
The path is expanded with Path.expand/1
before being deleted. If the
path does not exist, this function returns false
#=> true
#=> false
Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded.
If the module is already loaded, it works as no-op. If the module was not loaded yet, it checks if it needs to be compiled first and then tries to load it.
If it succeeds in loading the module, it returns {:module, module}
If not, returns {:error, reason}
with the error reason.
Check ensure_loaded/1
for more information on module loading
and when to use ensure_loaded/1
or ensure_compiled/1
Ensures the given module is compiled and loaded.
Similar to ensure_compiled/1
, but returns true
if the module
is already loaded or was successfully loaded and compiled.
Returns false
Ensures the given module is loaded.
If the module is already loaded, this works as no-op. If the module was not yet loaded, it tries to load it.
If it succeeds in loading the module, it returns {:module, module}
If not, returns {:error, reason}
with the error reason.
Code loading on the Erlang VM
Erlang has two modes to load code: interactive and embedded.
By default, the Erlang VM runs in interactive mode, where modules are loaded as needed. In embedded mode the opposite happens, as all modules need to be loaded upfront or explicitly.
Therefore, this function is used to check if a module is loaded
before using it and allows one to react accordingly. For example, the URI
module uses this function to check if a specific parser exists for a given
URI scheme.
Elixir also contains an ensure_compiled/1
function that is a
superset of ensure_loaded/1
Since Elixir’s compilation happens in parallel, in some situations you may need to use a module that was not yet compiled, therefore it can’t even be loaded.
When invoked, ensure_compiled/1
halts the compilation of the caller
until the module given to ensure_compiled/1
becomes available or
all files for the current project have been compiled. If compilation
finishes and the module is not available, an error tuple is returned.
does not apply to dependencies, as dependencies
must be compiled upfront.
In most cases, ensure_loaded/1
is enough. ensure_compiled/1
must be used in rare cases, usually involving macros that need to
invoke a module for callback information.
iex> Code.ensure_loaded(Atom)
{:module, Atom}
iex> Code.ensure_loaded(DoesNotExist)
{:error, :nofile}
Ensures the given module is loaded.
Similar to ensure_loaded/1
, but returns true
if the module
is already loaded or was successfully loaded. Returns false
iex> Code.ensure_loaded?(Atom)
Evals the given file.
Accepts relative_to
as an argument to tell where the file is located.
While load_file/2
loads a file and returns the loaded modules and their
byte code, eval_file/2
simply evaluates the file contents and returns the
evaluation result and its bindings (exactly the same return value as eval_string/3
Evaluates the quoted contents.
Warning: Calling this function inside a macro is considered bad practice as it will attempt to evaluate runtime values at compile time. Macro arguments are typically transformed by unquoting them into the returned quoted expressions (instead of evaluated).
See eval_string/3
for a description of bindings and options.
iex> contents = quote(do: var!(a) + var!(b))
iex> Code.eval_quoted(contents, [a: 1, b: 2], file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}
For convenience, you can pass __ENV__/0
as the opts
argument and
all options will be automatically extracted from the current environment:
iex> contents = quote(do: var!(a) + var!(b))
iex> Code.eval_quoted(contents, [a: 1, b: 2], __ENV__)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}
eval_string(List.Chars.t(), list(), Macro.Env.t() | keyword()) :: {term(), binding :: list()}
Evaluates the contents given by string
The binding
argument is a keyword list of variable bindings.
The opts
argument is a keyword list of environment options.
Warning: string
can be any Elixir code and will be executed with
the same privileges as the Erlang VM: this means that such code could
compromise the machine (for example by executing system commands).
Don’t use eval_string/3
with untrusted input (such as strings coming
from the network).
Options can be:
- the file to be considered in the evaluation:line
- the line on which the script starts
Additionally, the following scope values can be configured:
- a list of tuples with the alias and its target:requires
- a list of modules required:functions
- a list of tuples where the first element is a module and the second a list of imported function names and arity; the list of function names and arity must be sorted:macros
- a list of tuples where the first element is a module and the second a list of imported macro names and arity; the list of function names and arity must be sorted
Notice that setting any of the values above overrides Elixir’s default
values. For example, setting :requires
to []
will no longer
automatically require the Kernel
module. In the same way setting
will no longer auto-import Kernel
macros like Kernel.if/2
, and so on.
Returns a tuple of the form {value, binding}
where value
is the value returned from evaluating string
If an error occurs while evaluating string
an exception will be raised.
is a keyword list with the value of all variable bindings
after evaluating string
. The binding key is usually an atom, but it
may be a tuple for variables defined in a different context.
iex> Code.eval_string("a + b", [a: 1, b: 2], file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}
iex> Code.eval_string("c = a + b", [a: 1, b: 2], __ENV__)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3]}
iex> Code.eval_string("a = a + b", [a: 1, b: 2])
{3, [a: 3, b: 2]}
For convenience, you can pass __ENV__/0
as the opts
argument and
all imports, requires and aliases defined in the current environment
will be automatically carried over:
iex> Code.eval_string("a + b", [a: 1, b: 2], __ENV__)
{3, [a: 1, b: 2]}
Formats a file.
See format_string!/2
for more information on code formatting and
available options.
Formats the given code string
The formatter receives a string representing Elixir code and returns iodata representing the formatted code according to pre-defined rules.
- the file which contains the string, used for error reporting:line
- the line the string starts, used for error reporting:line_length
- the line length to aim for when formatting the document. Defaults to 98.:locals_without_parens
- a keyword list of name and arity pairs that should be kept without parens whenever possible. The arity may be the atom:*
, which implies all arities of that name. The formatter already includes a list of functions and this option augments this list.:rename_deprecated_at
- rename all known deprecated functions at the given version to their non-deprecated equivalent. It expects a validVersion
which is usually the minimum Elixir version supported by the project.
Design principles
The formatter was designed under three principles.
First, the formatter never changes the semantics of the code by
default. This means the input AST and the output AST are equivalent.
Optional behaviour, such as :rename_deprecated_at
, is allowed to
break this guarantee.
The second principle is to provide as little configuration as possible. This eases the formatter adoption by removing contention points while making sure a single style is followed consistently by the community as a whole.
The formatter does not hard code names. The formatter will not behave
specially because a function is named defmodule
, def
, etc. This
principle mirrors Elixir’s goal of being an extensible language where
developers can extend the language with new constructs as if they were
part of the language. When it is absolutely necessary to change behaviour
based on the name, this behaviour should be configurable, such as the
Keeping user’s formatting
The formatter respects the input format in some cases. Those are listed below:
Insignificant digits in numbers are kept as is. The formatter however always inserts underscores for decimal numbers with more than 5 digits and converts hexadecimal digits to uppercase
Strings, charlists, atoms and sigils are kept as is. No character is automatically escaped or unescaped. The choice of delimiter is also respected from the input
Newlines inside blocks are kept as in the input except for: 1) expressions that take multiple lines will always have an empty line before and after and 2) empty lines are always squeezed together into a single empty line
The choice between
keyword anddo/end
blocks is left to the userLists, tuples, bitstrings, maps, structs and function calls will be broken into multiple lines if they are followed by a newline in the opening bracket and preceded by a new line in the closing bracket
Pipeline operators, like
and others with the same precedence, will span multiple lines if they spanned multiple lines in the input
The behaviours above are not guaranteed. We may remove or add new rules in the future. The goal of documenting them is to provide better understanding on what to expect from the formatter.
Adjusting formatted output
The formatter attempts to the fit the most it can on a single line. When the code does not fit a single line, the formatter introduces line breaks in the code.
In some rare situations, this may lead to undesired formatting. For example, the code below:
"this is a very long string ... #{inspect(some_value)}"
may be formatted as:
"this is a very long string ... #{
This happens because the only place the formatter can introduce a
new line without changing the code semantics is in the interpolation.
In those scenarios, we recommend developers to directly adjust the
code. Here we can use the binary concatenation operator <>
"this is a very long string " <>
"... #{inspect(some_value)}"
The string concatenation makes the code fit on a single line and also gives more options to the formatter.
A similar example is when the formatter breaks a function definition over multiple clauses:
def my_function(
%User{name: name, age: age, ...},
) do
While the code above is completely valid, you may prefer to match on the struct variables inside the function body in order to keep the definition on a single line:
def my_function(%User{} = user, arg1, arg2) do
%{name: name, age: age, ...} = user
Since the formatter cannot change the semantics of your code, sometimes it is necessary to tweak the code to get optimal formatting.
Multi-line lists, maps, tuples, etc
You can force lists, tuples, bitstrings, maps, structs and function calls to have one entry per line by adding a newline after the opening bracket and a new line before the closing bracket lines. For example:
If there are no newlines around the brackets, then the formatter will try to fit everything on a single line, such that the snippet below
will be formatted as
[foo, bar]
You can also force keywords to be rendered on multiple lines by having each entry on its own line:
defstruct name: nil,
age: 0
The code above will be kept with one keyword entry per line by the formatter. To avoid that, just keep everything on a single line.
Parens and no parens in function calls
Elixir has two syntaxes for function calls. With parens and no parens. By default, Elixir will add parens to all calls except for:
- calls that have do/end blocks
- local calls without parens where the name and arity of the local
call is also listed under
The choice of parens and no parens also affects indentation. When a function call with parens doesn’t fit on the same line, the formatter introduces a newline around parens and indents the arguments with two spaces:
On the other hand, function calls without parens are always indented by the function call length itself, like this:
some_call arg1,
If the last argument is a data structure, such as maps and lists, and the beginning of the data structure fits on the same line as the function call, then no indentation happens, this allows code like this:
Enum.reduce(some_collection, initial_value, fn element, acc ->
# code
some_funtion_without_parens %{
foo: :bar,
baz: :bat
Code comments
The formatter also handles code comments in a way to guarantee a space is always added between the beginning of the comment (#) and the next character.
The formatter also extracts all trailing comments to their previous line. For example, the code below
hello # world
will be rewritten to
# world
Because code comments are handled apart from the code representation (AST), there are some situations where code comments are seen as ambiguous by the code formatter. For example, the comment in the anonymous function below
arg1 ->
# comment
arg2 ->
and in this one
arg1 ->
# comment
arg2 ->
are considered equivalent (the nesting is discarded alongside most of user formatting). In such cases, the code formatter will always format to the latter.
get_docs(module(), :moduledoc) :: {line :: pos_integer(), doc :: false | binary()} | nil
get_docs(module(), :docs) :: [{function, line, kind, list(), doc}] | nil when function: {atom(), arity()}, line: pos_integer(), kind: atom(), doc: nil | false | binary()
get_docs(module(), :callback_docs) :: [{callback, line, kind, doc}] | nil when callback: {atom(), arity()}, line: pos_integer(), kind: atom(), doc: nil | false | binary()
get_docs(module(), :type_docs) :: [{type, line, kind, doc}] | nil when type: {atom(), arity()}, line: pos_integer(), kind: atom(), doc: nil | false | binary()
get_docs(module(), :all) :: keyword() | nil
Returns the docs for the given module.
When given a module name, it finds its BEAM code and reads the docs from it.
When given a path to a .beam
file, it will load the docs directly from that
The return value depends on the kind
- tuple{line, doc}
is the line on which the module definition starts anddoc
is the string attached to the module using the@moduledoc
if@moduledoc false
was used, ornil
if no@moduledoc
was used.:docs
- list of all docstrings attached to functions and macros using the@doc
attribute. Each tuple has the form{{name, arity}, line, kind, arguments, doc}
can be either a string,false
if@doc false
was used, ornil
if no doc was used.:callback_docs
- list of all docstrings attached to@callbacks
using the@doc
attribute. Each tuple has the form{{name, arity}, line, kind, doc}
can be either a string ornil
if no@doc
was set.:type_docs
- list of all docstrings attached to@type
callbacks using the@typedoc
attribute. Each tuple has the form{{name, arity}, line, kind, doc}
can be either a string ornil
if no@typedoc
was used.:all
- a keyword list with:docs
, and:type_docs
If the module cannot be found, it returns nil
# Module documentation of an existing module
iex> {_line, text} = Code.get_docs(Atom, :moduledoc)
iex> text |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.at(0)
"Convenience functions for working with atoms."
# A module that doesn't exist
iex> Code.get_docs(ModuleNotGood, :all)
Loads the given file.
Accepts relative_to
as an argument to tell where the file is located.
If the file was already required/loaded, loads it again.
It returns a list of tuples {ModuleName, bytecode}
, one tuple for
each module defined in the file.
Notice that if load_file/2
is invoked by different processes concurrently,
the target file will be loaded concurrently many times. Check require_file/2
if you don’t want a file to be loaded concurrently.
modules = Code.load_file("eex_test.exs", "../eex/test")
#=> {EExTest.Compiled, <<70, 79, 82, 49, ...>>}
Lists all loaded files.
List.first(Code.loaded_files()) =~ "eex_test.exs"
#=> true
prepend_path(Path.t()) :: true | {:error, :bad_directory}
Prepends a path to the beginning of the Erlang VM code path list.
This is the list of directories the Erlang VM uses for finding module code.
The path is expanded with Path.expand/1
before being prepended.
If this path does not exist, an error is returned.
#=> true
#=> {:error, :bad_directory}
Requires the given file
Accepts relative_to
as an argument to tell where the file is located.
The return value is the same as that of load_file/2
. If the file was already
required or loaded, require_file/2
doesn’t do anything and returns nil
Notice that if require_file/2
is invoked by different processes concurrently,
the first process to invoke require_file/2
acquires a lock and the remaining
ones will block until the file is available. This means that if require_file/2
is called
more than one times with a given file, that file will be loaded only once. The first process to
call require_file/2
will get the list of loaded modules, others will get nil
Check load_file/2
if you want to load a file multiple times. See also unload_files/1
If the code is already loaded, it returns nil
Code.require_file("eex_test.exs", "../eex/test")
#=> nil
If the code is not loaded yet, it returns the same as load_file/2
modules = Code.require_file("eex_test.exs", "../eex/test")
#=> {EExTest.Compiled, <<70, 79, 82, 49, ...>>}
string_to_quoted(List.Chars.t(), keyword()) :: {:ok, Macro.t()} | {:error, {line :: pos_integer(), term(), term()}}
Converts the given string to its quoted form.
Returns {:ok, quoted_form}
if it succeeds,
{:error, {line, error, token}}
- the filename to be reported in case of parsing errors. Defaults to “nofile”.:line
- the starting line of the string being parsed. Defaults to 1.:columns
- whentrue
, attach a:column
key to the quoted metadata. Defaults tofalse
- whentrue
, raises an error when non-existing atoms are found by the tokenizer. Defaults tofalse
The opposite of converting a string to its quoted form is
, which converts a quoted form to a string/binary
string_to_quoted!(List.Chars.t(), keyword()) :: Macro.t()
Converts the given string to its quoted form.
It returns the ast if it succeeds,
raises an exception otherwise. The exception is a TokenMissingError
in case a token is missing (usually because the expression is incomplete),
Check string_to_quoted/2
for options information.
Removes files from the loaded files list.
The modules defined in the file are not removed; calling this function only removes them from the list, allowing them to be required again.
# Load EEx test code, unload file, check for functions still available
function_exported?(EExTest.Compiled, :before_compile, 0)
#=> true