View Source ElixirScribe.Behaviour.TypedContract behaviour (Elixir Scribe v0.3.0)

The Elixir Scribe Typed Contract guarantees the shape of your data throughout your codebase.

Use it as a contract for your data shape to eliminate potential bugs that may be caused by creating the data with the wrong type. This leads to more robust code and fewer tests needed to guarantee data correctness, compared to when a struct or a plain map was previously used.

Typed Contract

Let's imagine that the Business requested a new feature, a Marketing funnel where they only want to allow personas who have a company email to enter the funnel, and they require them to provide a name, email and optionally their role in the company.

We can use a Typed Contract to translate these business rules into a contract that guarantees data correctness across all our code base.

For example:

defmodule Persona do
  @moduledoc false

  require PersonaValidator

  @fields %{
    required: [:name, :email],
    optional: [role: nil]

  use ElixirScribe.Behaviour.TypedContract, fields: @fields

  @impl true
  def type_spec() do
      name: is_binary() |> spec(),
      email: PersonaValidator.corporate_email?() |> spec(),
      role: PersonaValidator.role?() |> spec()


  • When defining the type_spec/0 the schema can use the built-in specs from Norm or your own ones.
  • All specs defined with PersonaValidator.* are custom ones.

Required and Optional Fields

  • A typed contract MUST declare a type spec for the required and optional fields.
  • The optional fields MUST have a default value.

Contract Guarantees

  • To take advantage of the safety guarantees offered by the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract, you MUST not create or update it directly, as allowed by Elixir. Instead, you need to use the built-in functions new/1, new!/1, update/3, or update!/3 that will guarantee it conforms with the type specs when one is created or updated.
  • Use the conforms?/1 function at the place you use the typed contract to ensure that you still have a struct that conforms with the type spec, because it may have been manipulated directly between the point it was created and where you are using it.
  • For introspection, the fields/0 and type_spec/0 functions are provided.

Usage Examples

To run the usage examples:

iex -S mix

With Valid Data Types

To create a new Persona:

iex>! %{name: "Paulo", email: ""}
%Persona{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: nil, self: Persona}

To update the Persona:

iex> persona =! %{name: "Paulo", email: ""}
%Persona{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: nil, self: Persona}
iex> persona.self.update! persona, :role, "Elixir Scribe Engineer"
  name: "Paulo",
  email: "",
  role: "Elixir Scribe Engineer",
  self: Persona

Alternatively, you can use new/1 and update/3 which will return a {:ok, result} or {:error, reason} tuple.

With Invalid Data Types

Passing the role as an atom, instead of the expected string:

iex> %{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: :cto}
{:error, [%{input: :cto, path: [:role], spec: "PersonaValidator.role?()"}]}

The same as above, but using new!/1 that will raise:

iex>! %{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: :cto}
** (Norm.MismatchError) Could not conform input:
val: :cto in: :role fails: PersonaValidator.role?()

Invoking update/3 and update!/3 will output similar results.

Less Tests and Fewer Bugs

  • The Elixir Scribe typed contract acts as a contract for the businesse rules to guarantee data correctness at anypoint it's used in the code base.
  • Now the developer only needs to test that a Persona complies with this business rules in the test for this contract, because everywhere the Persona contract is used it's guaranteed that the data is in the expected shape.
  • This translates to fewer bugs, less technical debt creeping in and a more robust code base.


When using an Elixir Typed Contract through your code base you may want to ensure that the contract still conforms with the type spec, because it may have been directly manipulated, which may break it's guarantees. This is a limitation of the Elixir language, not of the typed contract implementation.

Let's create a valid Persona typed contract and then check if it still conforms:

iex> persona =! %{name: "Paulo", email: ""}
%Persona{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: nil, self: Persona}
iex> # Some layers deeper on your code you can ensure it still conforms:
iex> persona.self.conforms? persona
iex> # If you prefer the result as an ok tuple:
iex> persona.self.conforms persona
   name: "Paulo",
   email: "",
   role: nil,
   self: Persona
iex> # Or if you prefer you can use the bang function:
iex> persona.self.conforms! persona
%Persona{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: nil, self: Persona}

This time let's create again a valid Persona typed contract, manipulated it directly with an invalid value and then check if it still conforms:

iex> persona =! %{name: "Paulo", email: ""}
%Persona{name: "Paulo", email: "", role: nil, self: Persona}
iex> # Manipulating the struct directly with the invalid value `:dev` for the `:role` field:
iex> persona = %{persona | role: :dev}
  name: "Paulo",
  email: "",
  role: :dev,
  self: Persona
iex> # The direct manipulation of a struct allows to update it with invalid values for the contract
iex> # To mitigate the contract violation we just need to check it still conforms:
iex> persona.self.conforms? persona
iex> # If you need to know the reason then use instead:
iex> persona.self.conforms persona
{:error, [%{input: :dev, path: [:role], spec: "PersonaValidator.role?()"}]}
iex> # If you prefer to let it crash, then use:
iex> persona.self.conforms! persona
** (Norm.MismatchError) Could not conform input:
val: :dev in: :role fails: PersonaValidator.role?()


To introspect the fields used to define the typed contract at compile time:

iex> Persona.fields
  config: %{
    extra: [self: Persona],
    required: [:name, :email],
    optional: [role: nil]
  defstruct: [:name, :email, {:role, nil}, {:self, Persona}]

To introspect the Norm type spec:

iex> Persona.type_spec

The output:

  name: #Norm.Spec<is_binary()>,
  email: #Norm.Spec<PersonaValidator.corporate_email?()>,
  role: #Norm.Spec<PersonaValidator.role?()>,
  self: Persona

The :self field is an extra added at compile time by the typed contract macro to allow you to self reference the typed contract like you already noticed in the above examples.



Accepts the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract itself to check it still conforms with the specs.

Accepts the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract itself to check it still conforms with the specs.

Accepts the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract itself to check it still conforms with the specs.

Returns the fields definition used to define the struct for the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract at compile time.

Accepts a map with the required and optional fields to create an Elixir Scribe Typed Contract.

Accepts a map with the required and optional fields to create an Elixir Scribe Typed Contract.

Returns the type specification for the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract.

Updates the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract for the given field and value.

Updates the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract for the given field and value.


@callback conforms(struct()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, [map()]}

Accepts the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract itself to check it still conforms with the specs.

Returns {:ok, struct} on success, otherwise returns {:error, reason}.

@callback conforms!(struct()) :: struct()

Accepts the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract itself to check it still conforms with the specs.

Returns the typed contract on success, otherwise raises an error.

@callback conforms?(struct()) :: boolean()

Accepts the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract itself to check it still conforms with the specs.

Creating or modifying the struct directly can cause it to not be conformant anymore with the specs.

Useful to use by modules operating on the Typed Contract to ensure it wasn't directly modified after being created with new/1 or new!/1.

@callback fields() :: map()

Returns the fields definition used to define the struct for the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract at compile time.

@callback new(map()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, [map()]}

Accepts a map with the required and optional fields to create an Elixir Scribe Typed Contract.

Returns {:ok, struct} on successful creation, otherwise returns {:error, reason}.

@callback new!(map()) :: struct()

Accepts a map with the required and optional fields to create an Elixir Scribe Typed Contract.

Returns the typed contract on successful creation, otherwise raises an error.

@callback type_spec() :: struct()

Returns the type specification for the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract.

Used internally by all this behaviour callbacks, but may also be useful in the case more advanced usage of Norm is required outside this struct.

Link to this callback

update(struct, atom, any)

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@callback update(struct(), atom(), any()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, [map()]}

Updates the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract for the given field and value.

Returns {:ok, struct} on successful update, otherwise returns {:error, reason}.

Link to this callback

update!(struct, atom, any)

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@callback update!(struct(), atom(), any()) :: struct()

Updates the Elixir Scribe Typed Contract for the given field and value.

Returns the typed contract on successful update, otherwise raises an error.