elsa v0.12.3 Elsa.Topic

Provides functions for managing and interacting with topics in the Kafka cluster.

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Creates the supplied topic within the cluster. Sets the number of desired partitions and replication factor for the topic based on the optional keyword list. If the optional configs are not specified by the caller, the number of partitions and replicas defaults to 1.

Deletes the supplied topic from the cluster.

Confirms or denies the existence of a topic managed by the cluster.

Returns a list of all topics managed by the cluster as tuple of topic name and number of partitions.

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create(endpoints, topic, opts \\ [])

create(keyword(), String.t(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Creates the supplied topic within the cluster. Sets the number of desired partitions and replication factor for the topic based on the optional keyword list. If the optional configs are not specified by the caller, the number of partitions and replicas defaults to 1.

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delete(endpoints, topic)

delete(keyword(), String.t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Deletes the supplied topic from the cluster.

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exists?(endpoints, topic)

exists?(keyword(), String.t()) :: boolean()

Confirms or denies the existence of a topic managed by the cluster.

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kpro_rsp(args \\ [])

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kpro_rsp(record, args)

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list(keyword()) :: {:ok, [{String.t(), integer()}]} | {:error, term()}

Returns a list of all topics managed by the cluster as tuple of topic name and number of partitions.