Copyright © (C) 2018,2021 Sven Heyll
Behaviours: gen_statem.
Authors: Sven Heyll (sven@wega.lbaum.eu).
Load modules on behalf of the em
A story why we need this:
Stardate "Feburary 2018". We have a Heisenbug in the unit test execution introduced in version 7.0.0.
After narrowing it down to code loading race conditions, We failed
to fix the problem by using global:set_lock
around critical sections.
Also, we don't know why.
This module is an attempt to answer to the situation.
Q: When the em
process manages loading and restoring the
mocking and original code, what happens if the em
gets killed after loading a module, and a process tries to execute
functions from that module?
-module(yolo_tests). ... killing_the_mock_test() -> M = em:new(), em:strict(M, foo, aaaa, [], {function, fun(_) -> exit(kill) end}), em:replay(M), ?assertEqual(test_result, yolo:do_aaaa_with_foo()), em:verify(M). simple_test() -> ?assertEqual(ok, yolo:just_do_it()).The implementation:
-module(yolo). -behaviour(gen_server). ... just_do_it() -> foo:do_just_it(), ok. do_aaaa_with_foo() -> foo:aaaa().Without another server that cares about loading and unloading the modules, there is no way the test above can be fixed without removing the brutal
in the strict callback.
disable_module_loading/0 | |
enable_module_loading/0 | |
load_modules/2 | |
restore_modules/0 | |
start/0 |
disable_module_loading() -> ok | error
enable_module_loading() -> ok | error
load_modules(Modules::[{module(), file:filename(), binary()}], Timeout::gen_statem:timeout()) -> ok | error
restore_modules() -> ok | error
start() -> ok
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