
This module exposes the internal/shared code for both embeds/files as well as embeds/env.

It exposes some common type aliases and functions, and provides a lower-level API to generate module files from a set of Definitions.

I recommend starting with the embeds/files and/or embeds/env modules first before diving into this one!


Code represents the rendered string of some Gleam expression.

Because some expressions can’t be constants, you can also choose to print function bodies instead.

pub type Code {


  • Skip

    Skip generating code for this symbol.

  • GenerateError(String)

    Codegen produced some error that should be reported to the user.

  • Constant(String)

    Produce a constant definition in Gleam, like

    pub const var_name = ...
  • FunctionBody(String)

    Produce a zero-argument function definition in Gleam, like

    pub fn var_name() {

    You can use this constructor instead of Constant when your code contains anonymous functions, function calls, or other expressions that are not allowed inside of constants.

Data represents the contents of some file or other external source, and can either be UTF-8 Text, or Binary.

pub type Data {


  • Text(String)
  • Binary(BitArray)

A single codegen unit, potentially producing a single Code statement (so either a constant definition or a function.)

pub type Definition {
    name: String,
    read: fn() -> Result(Data, String),
    last_modified_seconds: Int,
    module: String,
    var_name: String,


  • Definition(
      name: String,
      read: fn() -> Result(Data, String),
      last_modified_seconds: Int,
      module: String,
      var_name: String,


    • name

      A human-identifyable name for this definition used in error messages. Usually the file path, or the name of the environment variable.

    • read

      Files might get big, and definitions in general might be fetched from anywhere, so reading is deferred using this closure.

    • last_modified_seconds

      A unix timestamp indicating the last modification time in seconds since Jan 01, 1970 for the source file of this definition.

      If a module only contains definitions that were modified before the module was last generated, generation will be skipped.

      You can savely just set this value to 0 if you don’t have a good value available.

    • module

      The name of the module this definition belongs to. Note that no sanitization takes place, and module should be a valid Gleam module name.

      You can use to_gleam_module_name to turn a path or arbitrary string into a valid Gleam module path.

    • var_name

      The name of the target constant or function name. Note that no sanitization takes place, and var_name should be a valid Gleam identifier.

      You can use to_gleam_identifier to turn an arbitrary string into a valid Gleam identifier.

the internal Error type returned by all embeds functions.

pub type Error {
  InvalidArgument(name: String, value: String, reason: String)
  CouldNotListFiles(path: String, FileError)
  CouldNotRead(name: String, message: String)
  DuplicateVarName(String, String)
  PrinterError(name: String, message: String)
  WriteError(path: String, FileError)


  • NotInsideGleamProject

    the current working directory is not a Gleam project, and has no gleam.toml file.

  • InvalidArgument(name: String, value: String, reason: String)

    a command-line argument could not be parsed or is invalid.

  • CouldNotListFiles(path: String, FileError)

    A simplifile error occurred while listing all files.

  • CouldNotRead(name: String, message: String)

    An error occurred while calling the read function for a definition.

  • DuplicateVarName(String, String)

    Multiple definitions would produce the same constant in the same module.

  • PrinterError(name: String, message: String)

    The printer returned an error that should be reported.

  • WriteError(path: String, FileError)

    A simplifile error occurred while writing to the output module file.


pub const default_header: String

A simple module comment which is used as the header by the CLI


pub fn bits_to_data(bits: BitArray) -> Data

Try to convert a BitArray to Text first , returning Binary if the conversion fails.

pub fn data_to_bits(data: Data) -> BitArray

Convert some data back to a BitArray.

pub fn default_print(name: String, data: Data) -> Code

convert data to code, by simply calling string.inspect/bit_array.inspect.

pub fn describe_error(err: Error) -> String

Turn an Error into a human-readable string.

pub fn describe_errors(errs: List(Error)) -> String

Turn multiple erros into a human-readable string.

pub fn generate(
  defs: List(Definition),
  header: String,
  print: fn(String, Data) -> Code,
  force: Bool,
) -> Result(Nil, List(Error))

Generates module files based on a list of Definitions.

pub fn guard_gleam_project(
  f: fn() -> Result(a, List(Error)),
) -> Result(a, List(Error))

enforce that the current working directory is a gleam project (by checking a gleam.toml exists). Automatically called by generate, but you may wish to exit earlier. Designed to be used with use.

pub fn result_to_const(result: Result(String, String)) -> Code

Helper function to convert a Result into either a Constant or GenerateError.

pub fn result_to_fn(result: Result(String, String)) -> Code

Helper function to convert a Result into either a FunctionBody or GenerateError.

pub fn skip_or_const(result: Result(String, Nil)) -> Code

Helper function to convert a Result into either a Constant or skip generating on error.

pub fn skip_or_fn(result: Result(String, Nil)) -> Code

Helper function to convert a Result into either a FunctionBody or skip generating on error.

pub fn to_gleam_identifier(str: String) -> String

Ensures the given string is a valid Gleam identifier by replacing invalid characters by underscores.

Empty strings return “empty”, numbers will be prefixed with “n”.

If the resulting variable name would be a reserved keyword, an additional underscore will be added at the end.

pub fn to_gleam_module_name(path: String) -> String

Ensures a path is a valid Gleam module path, by making sure that every piece is a valid Gleam identifier.

Unix / and Windows \\ are both treated as module separators.

NOTE:The top-level module is not allowed to be called gleam, but this function does not enforce this!

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