emel v0.3.0 Emel.Ml.KNearestNeighbors View Source

A non-parametric method used for classification and regression. In both cases, the input consists of the k closest training examples in the feature space.

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Returns the function that classifies an item by finding the k nearest neighbors

It searches through the entire dataset and returns the k most similar items to the item

Returns the function that calculates the average value of the dependent_variable of the k nearest neighbors

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Link to this function classifier(dataset, continuous_attributes, class, k) View Source

Returns the function that classifies an item by finding the k nearest neighbors.


iex> f = Emel.Ml.KNearestNeighbors.classifier([%{x1: 7.0, x2: 7.0, y: "bad"},
...>                                           %{x1: 7.0, x2: 4.0, y: "bad"},
...>                                           %{x1: 3.0, x2: 4.0, y: "good"},
...>                                           %{x1: 1.0, x2: 4.0, y: "good"}],
...>                                          [:x1, :x2], :y, 3)
...> f.(%{x1: 3.0, x2: 7.0})
Link to this function k_nearest_neighbors(item, dataset, continuous_attributes, k) View Source

It searches through the entire dataset and returns the k most similar items to the item.


iex> Emel.Ml.KNearestNeighbors.k_nearest_neighbors(%{x1: 3.0, x2: 7.0},
...>                                               [%{x1: 7.0, x2: 7.0, y: "bad"},
...>                                                %{x1: 7.0, x2: 4.0, y: "bad"},
...>                                                %{x1: 3.0, x2: 4.0, y: "good"},
...>                                                %{x1: 1.0, x2: 4.0, y: "good"}],
...>                                               [:x1, :x2],
...>                                               3)
[%{x1: 3.0, x2: 4.0, y: "good"},
 %{x1: 1.0, x2: 4.0, y: "good"},
 %{x1: 7.0, x2: 7.0, y: "bad"}]
Link to this function predictor(dataset, independent_variables, dependent_variable, k) View Source

Returns the function that calculates the average value of the dependent_variable of the k nearest neighbors.


    iex> f = Emel.Ml.KNearestNeighbors.predictor([%{x1: 0.0, x2: 0.0, x3: 0.0, y: 0.0},
    ...>                                          %{x1: 0.5, x2: 0.5, x3: 0.5, y: 1.5},
    ...>                                          %{x1: 1.0, x2: 1.0, x3: 1.0, y: 3.0},
    ...>                                          %{x1: 1.5, x2: 1.5, x3: 1.5, y: 4.5},
    ...>                                          %{x1: 2.0, x2: 2.0, x3: 2.0, y: 6.0},
    ...>                                          %{x1: 2.5, x2: 2.5, x3: 2.5, y: 7.5},
    ...>                                          %{x1: 3.0, x2: 3.3, x3: 3.0, y: 9.0}],
    ...>                                         [:x1, :x2, :x3], :y, 2)
    ...> f.(%{x1: 1.725, x2: 1.725, x3: 1.725})