EncryptedSecrets (encrypted_secrets v0.3.0) View Source

Provides methods for setting up, editing, and reading of encrypted secrets

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Decrypts, opens, and saves secrets file. Your EDITOR must be in "wait" mode. For example EDITOR='code --wait'

Decrypts and parses secrets file, returning it as a map. Raises an exception if file can't be read

Creates a new key and secrets file, prompting you if the files already exist

Creates a new key and secrets file, automatically overwriting files if they exist. Use with caution

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edit(key \\ File.read!("priv/secrets/master.key"), secrets_path \\ "priv/secrets/secrets.yml.enc")

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Decrypts, opens, and saves secrets file. Your EDITOR must be in "wait" mode. For example EDITOR='code --wait'

Returns :ok | {:error, message}

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read(key \\ File.read!("priv/secrets/master.key"), secrets_path \\ "priv/secrets/secrets.yml.enc")

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Decrypts and parses secrets file, returning it as a map

Returns {:ok, secrets_map} | {:error, message}

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read!(key \\ File.read!("priv/secrets/master.key"), secrets_path \\ "priv/secrets/secrets.yml.enc")

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Decrypts and parses secrets file, returning it as a map. Raises an exception if file can't be read

Returns {:ok, secrets_map}

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setup(key_path \\ "priv/secrets/master.key", secrets_path \\ "priv/secrets/secrets.yml.enc")

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Creates a new key and secrets file, prompting you if the files already exist

Returns {:ok, secrets_path} | {:error, message}

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setup!(key_path \\ "priv/secrets/master.key", secrets_path \\ "priv/secrets/secrets.yml.enc")

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Creates a new key and secrets file, automatically overwriting files if they exist. Use with caution

Returns {:ok, secrets_path} | {:error, message}