View Source epcap_compile (epcap_compile v1.0.6)

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Compile a PCAP filter to a BPF program

Compile a PCAP filter to a BPF program

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-type compile_options() ::
    [{optimize, true | false} |
     {netmask, non_neg_integer()} |
     {dlt, integer()} |
     {snaplen, integer()} |
     {limit, integer()}].

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-spec compile(Filter :: iodata()) -> {ok, [binary()]} | {error, string()}.

Compile a PCAP filter to a BPF program

Filter is a string in pcap-filter(7) format.

compile/1 defaults to:

* optimization enabled

* an unspecified netmask (filters specifying the broadcast will return an error)

* datalinktype set to ethernet (DLT_EN10MB)

* a packet length of 65535 bytes

* a limit of 8192 bytes for filters. Filters larger than this limit will return {error, enomem}. A limit less than 0 disables the length check.



 1> epcap_compile:compile("ip and ( src host or dst host 192.168.10.
 1 )").
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compile(Filter, Options)

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-spec compile(Filter :: iodata(), compile_options()) -> {ok, [binary()]} | {error, string()}.

Compile a PCAP filter to a BPF program

Filter is a string in pcap-filter(7) format.

See pcap_compile(3PCAP) for documentation about each option.