Ergo.Meta (Ergo v0.9.9)

The Meta parsers are not really parsers at all but operate within the parsing framework.

All Meta parsers are combinators that accept a parser and either report on or modify its operation.

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The around parser is a pass-thru parser that can be used to run code before or after another parser. For example to inspect the context or output additional debugging information.

commit/0 is not technically a parser, rather a sentinel that a sequence can use to determine whether an error is fatal or not

The failed parser is a combinator that invokes a parser and if the parser fails runs the given function on the resulting context. This can be used to output additional debugging information where failure was unexpected.

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around(parser, opts \\ [])

The around parser is a pass-thru parser that can be used to run code before or after another parser. For example to inspect the context or output additional debugging information.

Specify on of around(parser, before: fn ctx -> … end) around(parser, after: fn ctx, parsed_ctx -> … end) around(parser, before: fn ctx -> … end, after: fn ctx, parsed_ctx -> … end)

Note that where both before: and after: are specified, the after function will receive both the context before and after parsing as separate parameters.

If neither of before: nor around: are specified an error will be raised.


iex> alias Ergo.{Context, Parser}
iex> import Ergo.Meta
iex> null_parser = Parser.combinator(:null, "null_parser", fn %Context{} = ctx -> ctx end)
iex> assert_raise(RuntimeError, fn -> Ergo.parse(around(null_parser), "") end)

iex> alias Ergo.{Context, Parser}
iex> import Ergo.Meta
iex> null_parser = Parser.combinator(:null, "null_parser", fn %Context{} = ctx -> ctx end)
iex> parser = around(null_parser, before: fn _ctx -> send(self(), :before) end)
iex> Ergo.parse(parser, "")
iex> assert_receive :before

iex> alias Ergo.{Context, Parser}
iex> import Ergo.Meta
iex> null_parser = Parser.combinator(:null, "null_parser", fn %Context{} = ctx -> ctx end)
iex> parser = around(null_parser, after: fn _ctx, _new_ctx -> send(self(), :after) end)
iex> Ergo.parse(parser, "")
iex> assert_receive :after

iex> alias Ergo.{Context, Parser}
iex> import Ergo.Meta
iex> null_parser = Parser.combinator(:null, "null_parser", fn %Context{} = ctx -> ctx end)
iex> parser = around(null_parser, before: fn _ctx -> send(self(), :before) end, after: fn _ctx, _new_ctx -> send(self(), :after) end)
iex> Ergo.parse(parser, "")
iex> assert_receive :before
iex> assert_receive :after

commit/0 is not technically a parser, rather a sentinel that a sequence can use to determine whether an error is fatal or not

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failed(parser, fail_fn, opts \\ [])

The failed parser is a combinator that invokes a parser and if the parser fails runs the given function on the resulting context. This can be used to output additional debugging information where failure was unexpected.


iex> alias Ergo.Parser
iex> import Ergo.Meta
iex> failing_parser = Parser.combinator(:err, "err_parser", fn ctx -> %{ctx | status: {:error, :unfathomable_error}} end)
iex> parser = failed(failing_parser, fn _pre_ctx, _post_ctx, _parser -> send(self(), :failed) end)
iex> Ergo.parse(parser, "")
iex> assert_received :failed