Module erls_json

Function Index

decode/1 Decodes the given BinaryJson with the user's defined JSON module (defaults to jsx`) The same caveat as for `encode/1 above applies.
encode/1 Encodes the user-supplied Json with the user's defined JSON module (defaults to jsx`) In particular, this function cannot be used to encode any JSON built internally to `erlastic_search` as we do not know how the users JSON module encodes JSONs in Erlang.

Function Details


decode(BinaryJson::binary()) -> erlastic_json()

Decodes the given BinaryJson with the user's defined JSON module (defaults to jsx`) The same caveat as for `encode/1 above applies


encode(Json::erlastic_json()) -> binary()

Encodes the user-supplied Json with the user's defined JSON module (defaults to jsx`) In particular, this function cannot be used to encode any JSON built internally to `erlastic_search` as we do not know how the users JSON module encodes JSONs in Erlang

Generated by EDoc, May 8 2016, 15:00:16.