Module avro_fingerprint

Implement the Avro CRC 64 fingerprint algorithm.

Authors: Jake Morrison (



Implement the Avro CRC 64 fingerprint algorithm.

The algorithm is defined with this Java code:

    static long fingerprint64(byte[] buf) {
      if (FP_TABLE == null) initFPTable();
      long fp = EMPTY;
      for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++)
        fp = (fp >>> 8) ^ FP_TABLE[(int)(fp ^ buf[i]) & 0xff];
      return fp;
    static long EMPTY = 0xc15d213aa4d7a795L;
    static long[] FP_TABLE = null;
    static void initFPTable() {
      FP_TABLE = new long[256];
      for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        long fp = i;
        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
          fp = (fp >>> 1) ^ (EMPTY & -(fp & 1L));
        FP_TABLE[i] = fp;
        // Generate the lookup table used in this code
        System.out.format("fp_table(%d) -> 16#%s;%n", i, Long.toHexString(fp));
In the Avro Java SchemaNormalization code, they serialize the fingerprint in little-endian format.

Data Types


crc64() = non_neg_integer()

Function Index


Function Details


crc64(Data::binary()) -> crc64()

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