Authors: Ransom Richardson (
Implementation of retry logic for AWS requests
Currently only used for S3, but will be extended to other services in the furture.
The pluggable retry function provides a way to customize the retry behavior, as well as log and customize errors that are generated by erlcloud.response_type_fun() = fun((#aws_request{}) -> ok | error)
retry_fun() = fun((#aws_request{}) -> should_retry())
should_retry() = {retry | error, #aws_request{}}
backoff/1 | |
default_retry/1 | |
lambda_fun_errors/1 | |
no_retry/1 | |
only_http_errors/1 | |
request/3 |
backoff(Attempt::pos_integer()) -> ok
default_retry(Aws_request::#aws_request{}) -> should_retry()
lambda_fun_errors(Aws_request::#aws_request{}) -> ok | error
no_retry(Aws_request::#aws_request{}) -> {error, #aws_request{}}
only_http_errors(Aws_request::#aws_request{}) -> ok | error
request(Config, Aws_request, ResultFun) -> any()
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